
Archive for the ‘Picture Gallery’ Category

native Battaks textile Modigliani Book figures.

2. Native Battaks Textile and ornament Picture Postcard early 20th century.

(1) Native Battaks earing.

native Battaks Earing.

(2) Native Battaks Weaving picture postcard

Native Battaks Textile Fabrics

4. Native Battaks House
Beside Modigliani fig , I als have the vintage picture postcard of native Battaks House in 19th century.

(1) The Vintage Picture Postcard of Native Battaks House lattest 19 century.

2. Native Battaks House Mfdigliani Bok illustration

(1)Figure 4 : House of the Battaks
House of a chief amongst the Toba Battaks

(2)Figure 5: Giorognam-Giorognam
The characteristic adorenment of the gable frnt of the houses is a most elaborate concern called giorgnom-girognom

(6)Figure 6: Signa Niriama
on the each side of the fecade , is a symblic figured head, it is called signa

Vintage Battaks House

5.Native Battaks Figures Mdigliani book illustration

(1)Figure 3 :Battaks Women
Nai Muara, a Toba Battaks women.

(2)Figure 2: The Guru Somalaing
Guru Smalaing, a Battaks patriot and alearns amng them,who accompanied Modagliani advanture, and saving him on several occasin form eminent danger.

vintage book

UCM-uniquecollection.wordpress.com CyberMuseum collection@copyright Dr Iwan S.2010.

A. INTRO (Dr Iwan Notes)
1. This rare Info and illus.of Tapian-Nauli (now Tapanuli, Tapian means beach and nauli-beutiful) were post special fro my new friend which his homeland at Tapanuli, Mr Horatio Simadjuntak, I hope your comment , Are this is the first time you read and look at the nice and rare illustrations of your homeland? and please tell your native Tapanuli friends to click this info.This story also fr my best friend who have help me much in finding the uniquecollection,thankyou Mr Herry Hutabarat, and mr Aris Siregar.

2. The informations from two rare vintage 19th century books, two Vintage book 1938, and Dr iwan S.collections related with the Tapian-Nauli. faound during my visit in 1974 ,read the adventure of Dr iwan s from Solok to Tapanuli with My Toyota Corona 1974.

3. I have ever seen many vintage collections at the Parapat shop in 197, but in 1996 nothing exist anymore, many were bougth by a psychiates from medan ,he made the Museum and write a book,later together with the Franch, I have that book. I also still have the new Battaks Toba statue produced in 1974, but now no best quality anymore, the native older Battaks Samosir islan Toba lake I think were passed away and no young generations made the ethnic statue anymore, please the Tapanuli young generations click this info and starting to reproduced for tourism, because many froreigner still collect the new items, in 1985 I have sold many small statue in $10,-per item which I bought only $1.-, i still keep some best statue.-

(Formed By Dr Elio Modigliani During his Recent Explorations in Tapanuli, Giglioli -vice president of Anhropological Society of Italia, Schmeltz JDE,Leiden,1893)

1. The Adventure of Dr Modigliani in the Battaks land.
Dr E.Modigliani,who hqd earned for himself so distinguished a place among our foremost scientific travellers by his bold and successful exploration of Battaks, has proved himself not to be one of those who are content to ‘rest on their laurels’.
He had scarcely finished seeing his splendid volume on the result of his first exploration therough the press, when he bagan to long to be on the field again; his glimpse of Sumatra had left an ardent wish to see more of that beautiful and yet partly mysterious land, the legendary Lake Toba and The Battaks tribe who live on its shore, a nation of lettered cannibals, had for him a endeavour to open out a filed as yet untrodden by the Scientist.
After careful preparation, which are so large a part of successs in such undertakings, Dr Modigliani left Florence in August 1890; he had secured the services of Abdul Kerim an alble Persian collector and taxidermist, who had done good services with
arquis G.Doria in Persia, Borneo and Tunis, and thus made sure of the Zoological Collections in order to be able to devote more time to geographical and ethnological researches.
Early in October he was at Siboga; there he heard that war was going on in the Toba region, the Singa manga Rajah , head chief and religious primate of the Battaks who had already given so much truble to the Dutch, was again coming to the front, and this time in connection with the Atchinese from the north- an alliance of hereditary foes, for the Battaks have always repulsed the Mohammedan Malays, against the invading Whites. But this did not deter Modigliani from his object; by the middle of October he was at Balige on the shores of Lake Toba and on the edge of the wild and unexplored Battaks country, the Land of his dream.
The Dutch Colonial Authorities were quite willin to give their aid and support to our Treveller, as long as he kept within the bounderies of the subjugated tribes;but beyond, evidently feeling that tey could no longer protect him, they did not wish him t go. This would however have singulary curtailed his explorations, and greatly dimished the importance and interest of his researches; the uknown was beyond those bounderies!Whilst at Balige came in contact with several influential Chief; he was asked who was his chief, and by answering’Rajah Roma’ quite unwittingly he gave himself a powerful lift and grew great in the eyes of the Toba Battaks. For it appears that withthem a Rajah Roma is a great and mystic personage (perhaps Modigliani thinks a derivation of Roma;anyway of Rajah Rom our traveller was able to penetrate into the heart of independent Battak country, where in all probability, no other European wold have been able to go; and many were the things he Had no promise in Rajah Rom name, and many presents and great the aid he got as envoy. But to this Modigliani was obliged to leave his resident secretly , and in this he was greatly helped by the Guru Somalaing a Battak patriot (fig 2) and a learned man amonst them, who accompanied our traveller in his adventures journey and faithfully protected him, saving him on several occasions from imminent danger,besides letting him into manya secret of Battak folklore.
With Guru Somalaing and afew followers, Modigliani travelled right through the land of the zindependent Battaks, cutting across Sumatra by a new route , on the way he discovered the wnderful Sumatra Niagara (Sigura-gura ?) , the Native name of which is Martua Sapuran Si-arimo; he reach the east coast f the island at bandar Pulo near Tanjong Balei, and renamed to lake Tba by a different route. He was away on this journey about amonth;on his retrurn the Dutch Colonial Authorities informed him that they could not allow him to cross again intothe independent Battaks country, and that if he attempted to they would have to ask him toleave. This was a sore disappointment, altough Modigliani had indeed made the very best of his time and opportunities; however decidede to leave the Toba highlands, and was back to Siboga on the west coast by the middle of March 1891.
I thought it necessary to give this concise introductive account of Dr Modiglianis exploration before my notes on the very important ethnographical collections he has brought back. I must also add that he has quite recently published an a ccount of his tracels in the land of the Battaks, splendidly got up and profusely illustrated, these illustrations carefully taken from original photographs or drawn from the specimen collected, gave a special value to Modiglianis important conclusion to our knwledge of the hiertho little known Natives of that prtion of Central Sumatra, I have to thank my friend for the loan of some of them which engance the interest of my paper. The matter contained in Modiglianis recent book formed the subject of two lectures he delivered last year, the first on the 6th of February before H.M.the Queen of Italy, and the Italian Geographical Society at Rome; the second before H.R.H the Duke of Aosta and the Anthrophological Society of Italy on the 13th of March at Florence.

These notes of mine about The Toba and Independent Battas of Central Sumatra.:
(1) Amongst the Toba Battaks , Modigliani was not successful in obtaining human skull, but with the helpof guru Somalaing, he was able to take with bility and perfection a magnificent series of plaster casts of the face fromlife,both of men and women;the mainly and energitic one of the guru amongst them.
(2) He was able besided to take a splendid collection of photographs illustrating the people and their belonging.
(3) A most extensive and perfect series of actual specimens and carefully constructed models made on the spot of the non moveable , illustrate completely the ethnography of these Battaks.these specimens I shall forthwith comment upon the following order

(a) Houses and Huse furnitures
The villages of the Toba Battaks are fortified by a thrown up bank or terre-plein all around,thickly palnted with thrny bambos; ne r mre apertures about 1 meter high and 60 cm wide, are the sle gates .
The house f the prer inhabitants are low huts with mud walls and thatch roofs,they are in the out-of -the way corners; flanking the principal street are the house of the rich and notables(Fig.4);there are much larger , built on piles frm 80 cm to 2 m high.in front is a sort of varanda,shut off frm the entrance which is reach by a ladder and which is always beaneath; the floring and walls are of stut planks, the latter ofter elobaretely rnamented with carvings and paintings(fig 7) .The roof of ijuk(Arenga-fibers) , is high and steep, with projecting gables at each end; on the peaked gable in front is the skull of a Buffalo or an imitation of its head in ijuk with real horn attacked. But the characteristic adornment of the gable frnt of the huse s of thebetter kind is mst elobrated concern called giorognom-girognom (fig 5),f which I give here a drawing a more eloquent than the best word descriptions. Besides ,on each side of the facade, is a huge symbolic figure-head , elaborately carved and painted; it has a sort of probscis and a generally elephantine aspect, it is called signa (Fig 6) , and may be a relic of Ganesa, for Battaks show many sign of remote Hindoo influences. The area beneath the house is used as stables, and divided by paftitions. The inside of the house has no divisions, at one end is the hearth , and on the walls around , from the rafters above or in the corners, are arranged and stowed away the husehold utensils;the valuables being secured in near two big boxes with a lid let in grooves.
The house furniture is simple enough;sleeping mats,rolled up in the daytime,neiter bed frames, pillow or chairs beiing used; basket for dry provisions,such as rice and fish; cocnuts,gourds or bamboo-jints for liquids, such as water and palm-wine.These with divers cooking nd eating vessel ,aticles of dress,weapons,and implement of agriculture complete the list in most cases. Beside the ordinary dwelling-houses rich and poor, the Battaks villages always contain one or more Sopo;these are built much like the better kind of houses , but they are open all round; only a sort of loft formed by the chief for his valuables and those belnging to the community. The first floor is used as an assembly room and also for guests, and being pen all round these are kept in sight always. Some sp are of large dimensions. Besides actual specimens of girognom, digns snd vsrious painted housed-boards , Modigliani s cllection contain beautiful reduced models of one of the finer houses and of a sopo, and a complete set of house furniture and mveables.

(b) Boats
There are of various sizes and called solu; they are dug-outs with boards added on and bound with iron tacks; they are elegant in shape, somewhat of the gondola type, long and narrow. The largest , fr 5o rowers, are about 18 meters in length;there is a slight keel carved fore and aft (fig.8). Themen sit in pairs on crss seats, and row sitting; the paddles have an oval blade and cross handle. On lading, the seats,oars and ornaments are removed;the latter are peculiar; the stern one, giarogia di pudi, consist of three sticks with tufts of horsehair and a row of shrter sticks called rame rame with a bigger one in the middle distinctly phalloid, strung across; no tradition appears to explain this singular ornament. At the prow is a carved and pointed figure symbolising a Buffalo head, with another rame-rame strung in the front with its singular central phallus; then comes a srt of bowspirit with tufts of horsehair at the sides and one of human hair at the end; over it rises an upwright carve post, the torgiok. modigliani has all that original ornaments of one of the bigger solu, and reduced models of entire boats.

(c) Agriculture implement
Of these Modigliani has collected a cmplete series .Painted poles of hardwod called Accinan are used fr breaking up the ground; various kind of rakes, large and small, are used t smooth it down; they are entirely of wood, the bigger nes, Sisir , used for wet paddy fields, are drawn by Buffaloes, yokes with wooden anga.
The plough (fig 9), ningala is again entirely of wod ;varius kinds f hoes, hhudali and rogo, of wood r else with iron points, and spades f wood or irn are used for rice. The principal cultivatins are : rice,mais, gadong an gourds.

(d)Textile Fabrics,dress and persnal ornaments.

(e) Food and stimulants

(f) Implement and weapons

(g) Musical Instruments

(h) Supersitions and Scorcery
This twnwords may be I think appoprietely used t express the manifold and primitive belief f the Battaks,base on that great mover of humanity fear and I might add fear of the Unknwn , of Mysterious. Modigliani has been singulary fortune and careful in collecting a larde series of obiects connected with the supersition of the Toba Battaks and their witchkraft, as practised by the ‘guru’ their wise or medicine-men, vulgo sorcerers.:
(a) Pangulubalang and gana-ganq
(b) parsili and parpagaran
(c)Tunggal Panaluwan
(d)Hatiha Mardalan
(e) attaks medical amulet

(i) Literature
It is well known that the Battaks have a literatur of their own; their book are naturally all manuscripts; Modigliani was so fortunate as to secure twenty volumes of various sizes, they alllook old, and some are quite venerable tomes. They have much the aspect and shape of our mediaeval books, being bound in wooden boards; the folded leaves are f beaten bark, which has a vellum-like aspect. The writing is very regular,clear and minute. it runs fromleft to right; many figures are intercalated in the text ; manifold hatiha and often insects,scorpions and such like.
These books are sacred, medicinal, include the art of war and are generally f an encyclopaedic nature; they are the work of learned Guru, are very highly valued and naturally not easily given away, especially to a Foreigner, even when a high price be offered.
Their translation will no doubt give much and valuable information on the science and lore of the Battaks.
I shall now leave these interesting people, on whom Modigliani’s future studies and made by my friend in the latter part of his explrations.

2. The List of collections illustration(Figures)
(1)Bataks village, Bonan Dollok vintage picture
(2) The Guru Sumalaing picture
(3)Nai Muara,a Toba Battaks women (innoccent topless
(4)House of a chief amongst the Toba Battaks
(6) Signa niruma (the front wooden carving at the native house0
(7) Ornamentation of house front
(8) A Solu (native ship) on lake Toba
(9) a Battaks plough
(10) Battaks textile facbric
(a) Raghi Buting
(b) Raghi Hotang
(c) Ulos Bolean
(d) Raghi Dup
(11) A Battak earing
(12) Bracelets
(13) Battaks Salt bag
(14) Wine bottle
(15) Chunam or lime box
(16) Tobacco Boxes
(17) Toba Battaks Pipe
(18) Battaks shield
(19) Bow-sling
(20) Powder horn
(21) Battaks Chief wallets
(22) Doal-doal bulo
(23) Gana-gana of the Toba Battaks
13 magic statue.
(24) Funeral ex-voto
(25) Village parpagaran
(26) magic staff tunggal Pagnaluan,(two types., I have ever seen this original staff at the parapat shop, the owner asked me US $ 2500, very expensive, but after that I came back in 1985 have sold to the foreigner,be careful many repro an dfake staff with low qualities,)
(27) Toba Battak omen on their way to market pictures.


C. The List Of Vintage Tapanuli collections illustrations 1896(Haeckel.Erns,tranlated by Juynbol,HH.DR, Insulinde, chapter Naar Een BatakKampong , Leiden,AW Sijthoff,1896
1. Batak Hoofd(native chief)
2. Gedrooge Batakhand (magic mummification)
3.Native Batak picture
4.Native Batak wife(vrouw)
5.Native Batak house
6.Reistmesjes (Rice knive) of Toba
7.Rice knife of Moehase
8.Rice knife of Tonkin.Prov.Son-la
9. Rice knife of Borth Siam,Kunfa (Meau)

E.The List of Vintage Tapanuli Collection bok illustration 1938.
1.Native women in the front of native House at Samosir island Toba lake
2. native Batak Karo house
3.Bull Horn gunfire powder box

F. The List of Tapanuli Collections founs by Dr Iwan S in 1974 at Samosir Island. Toba Lake Parapat.
1. The Vintage Battaks statue found at the old Battaks House at the Samosir Island
2. The Vintage Small statue of Samosir Island
3. The Vintage Statue of Samosir island ,used as the cap of Magic bottle.
@copyright Dr Iwan S 2010.

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Celebes Dagger 1895



Vintage Book 1895

UCM-uniquecollection.wordpress.com CyberMuseum collections.
@copyright Dr Iwan S.2010

1.Intro (Dr Iwan S. note)
This show dedicated to the South Celebes(Sulawasi selatan) dagger Collectors, and especially for my best friend Pater Saelangi ,Dental Physian (drg) who have praticed and stayed along his duty and also stayed at Makassar after retired, he always help me to get the Makassar and Bugis Uniquecollection during my Visit Makassar for several time, but I never seen this very rare Dagger there, I have found more long Bugis dagger at Pontianank,one day I wiil show in my blog.
2. This rare vintage book was found at Jakarta ,in several other vintage 19th century arkeaologist book,I will posted many lithographic picture related to the Indonesia Native Uniquecollections dedicated for my best friend.

2. Dagger And Sheat From Celebes?
(Schmeltz JDE,conserver and ethnographhist, leiden,1895,ex libris J Jonge Jans)

The weapon of which we give here a figure, has been recieved by the Museum od Science and Art at Edinburg without indication of the exact locality.
We owe the following description of it to Mr Walter clark,curator of the Museum :
(1) Blade of ‘watered’ steel,wrought a jour along the back for two-thirds of its lenght,the remaining third has acutting edge.
(2) Both faces are slightly ‘hollowed and best flamboyant designs encrusted in gold, the gold itself being delicately engraved.
(3) Handle of mottled brown wood carved with foliage .
(4) Sheat of wood,covered with rattan,coated with ‘red and yellow lacquer, at the top is a mount and lower down a floral ‘button’ (to which a red silk cord is attached both in nielloed silver, the four pettaled flowers which partly make up the design being ‘picked out’ in gold. Amount is missing from the lower end.
(5) length of Dagger 0,45 m (near same with the Badik I have found in Pontianak, may be the same type, but my collection without the sheat -Dr iwan s)

We are inclined to believe thast the weapon in question comes from the Bougis of Celebes. Is any of our reader able to indicate the exact locality ?
(Please the south celebes Dagger(Badik) collectors who have the same collections give us more information via comment, after this i will installed the vintage lithography picrure of dayak mandau 1888, compare with my west Borneo Dayak Mandau collections-Dr iwan s.)
@Copyright Dr iwan s.2010.

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Protp. Mormon Herrington Ford 1937

Prototype Willys M38A1 1941

Jeep Willys MB 1941-1945

Korean War Jeep willys

Jeep Willys caricature

Willys manual 1942

My willys 1953 manual

My Jeep Willys 1953

Hallo Collectors,thankyu for click UCN today
UCN-uniquecollectin.wordpress.com Cyber News
@copyright Dr Iwan S.2010

This day UCM short show have installed The Vintage jeep willys cllections, constist the history and illustrations from The prototype jeep for constest, and the winner Jeep Willys, the Jeep Willys MB productions during the WWII 1941-1945, The Korean War Jeep willys two type 1953 (low mechine top) and 1955 (high round mechine top ) and my Jeep Willy CJ 3 A 1953. (read the adventure of Dr iwan with his jeep willys 1953 in Indonesian language)

Setelah kolektor mobil antik Indonesia membaca Koleksi Mobil Toyota, hari ini dalam bahasa Inggris telah dipostkan The Vintate jeep Willys 1941-1955, termasuk koleksi Dr Iwan S-my Jeep willys 1953, dan juga Kisah Pertualang Dr Iwan S dengan jeep Willys 1953 tersebut. Dr iwan S sangart mengharapkan komentar kolektor mbil antik Indnesia, apakah anda sudah pernah membaca dan melihat illustrasi seperti ini via Comment, apabila anda masih penasaran saya juga punya cerita dan gambar illustrasi dari foto pribadi lama Ibu saya,mobil Ford 1938 milik Kakek Dr Iwan dan juga koleksi reklame mobil dari majalah lama tahun 1940, berbagai jenis mobil saat itu, merupakan koleksi yang sangat langka, belum pernah dilaporkan dalam media surat kabar atau internet, juga dilengkapi cerita Ibu saya tentang Mbil kebanggannya, dan juga pengalaman saya naik mobil antik merk Dodge 1940 tahun 1973 milik saudara ibu mertua saya. Bila kolektor mobil antik ingin melihat kleksi tersebut, harap and minta liwat komentar dengan syarat lampirkan foto koleksi mobil antik anda atu teman keluarn 1940 atau sebelumnya. Saya pernah melihat foto Mobil Toyopet 1938 milik orang Tua isterinya BM Diah puteri seorang dokter pribumi di Bangka sebelum perang dunia kedua , Ibu Herwati pemilik hotel megah didepan patung Pak Tani Menteng Jakarta.

No Info


UCM-uniquecollection.wordpress.com Cyber Museum shrt Show
@copyright Dr iwan S.2010

A. The jeep willys protoype Contest 1941.

1.The Jeep willys prototype (1937-1941)
Willys MB were the US Army Jeep, along with nearly identic with Ford Jeep production with named. Mormon, Herrington Ford 1937 (look illustration).

2. The Jeep Willys win the contest 1940-1941
in July,22th.1940-1941 Three Car manufacture inc. joined the contest for protype War jeep:
(1) Bantam protype name Blitz Bugsy (I didnot have the picture please the collector wh have that picture please show us via comment)
(2) Ford protype named Mormon-Herrington Ford Jeep
(3) Willys Overland Motor Inc prtotype named Jeep Willys MA

3.The Jeep willys collection 1941-1945
(1) 1941-1942
Willys overland Motor Inc. win the contest with their prototype after 49 days test because the machines strong, the price mre lower and US War Departement made the contract to Willys overland Inc for producing 1500 unit jeeps, but until October 1941 Willys Overland Motor inc cannot finish that jeep, and US War departmen asking Ford Inc to built Frd Jeep type GPW with used the Willys lincensed.
During the second prduction from 1941-1945 Willys prductions 363.000, Ford 260.000 and 51.000 export to Russia.

(2) 1943
Ford also producing The Amfibian Jeep 13.000 items with name GPA or Seep for Sea Jeep.

(3 )Then US War Department asking the Three Car Inc to built the more best Standar Jeep , the joint productions between the three inc, Bantam,Ford and Willys, starting frm desiagn A , but reject, then they built model B , approved and named Jeep Willys MB, every incorporation producing 1500 unit, and at least 16.000 unit.. .

B. The Jeep Willys MB Collections 1949-1953

(1)In 1949 Willys Overland Motor inc built the new model versi CJ (Civilian Jeep) with same design with Jeep willys MB with mark CJ-3A ( my Jeep willys was the CJ-3A type,look the illustrations)

(2) The Korean War Jeep Willys Collections 1950-1955
1. The jeep willys low mechine top 1950 (look at the ilustration)
2. The Jeep Willys High Round mechine top(look at the illustration)

(3) My jeep willys 1953
In 1974, My official car was The Jeep willys 1953, I learned to drive the car with the best driver Mr Azis, he gave me many infrmations and how to be a good diver , like how to turn the stir to left or right with the best hand positions, and we made the adventure travel from Solok to Sijunjung during the road still very bad ,small at the high mountain and across the Indragiri River with ponton small ship, read the complete adventure in indonesia language Kisah pertualangan Dr iwan S dengan Jeep Willys.
In 1985 the jeep Willys 1953 was disposal (dump) and I bought that jeep very cheapest because almost 11 years I spent many cost to made that Jeep still in very good conditins, but the Rem still not good because that time still in old type technlgy, also no power steering, we must alway turn the stir to made the Jeep in the straight positions, alsso the charger dynamo always get trouble which made the electricity power dwn in the night, that is why i alway used the jeep only in daylight.
(the comple story, read in Indonesia langguage)
My Wife, Sister and Father also learning Stirring with my jeep willys 1953 with my directed.

@Copyright Dr iwan s.2010

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Sultan Ahmad I

Sultan Suleyman

Sultan Murad III

Sultan Osman Picture

Sultan Osman ceramic

Sultan Mahmoed

Moldovia stamp 1858

M.Ali father Albania

First Ottoman stamps 1863

Ottoman stamps 1867

Ottoman stamps 1868

Last Ottoman Sultan

Istambul Unique Coll.

Vintage Book cover

Vintage Book cover

Hello collectors, thankyou for click UCN tday
UCN-uniquecollection.wordpress.com CyberNews
@cpyright Dr Iwan S.2010

This day UCM will posted The Turkish during Othman Empire Collections between !5th -19th century, created by Dr iwan S from his wn collections related to Othman empire which have fund in Indonesia, stamps, vintage book with illustrations and recent turkish plate ceramic with Ottoman emperor handpainted.
This is the firs Indonesian collections of Ottoman empire have report in the Cyber area. Please remember this cretion still @copyright Dr iwan S.2010. forbidden to copy without written permitions from Dr Iwan S.

Hari ini UCM telah menginstalled info and illustrasi mengenai negara Turki pada masa kekaisaran Othoman dari abad ke-15 sampai ke 19, Dr iwan S telah menyusun info ini berdasarkan koleksi yang ditemukan di Indonesia berupa koleksi prangko, buku lama lengkap dengan info sejarah yang terkait serta illustrasi yang langka, dan info ini merupaka suatu laporan pertama yang disusun oleh seorang kolektor Indonesia, sebaiknya sebelum membaca info ini, klik dan baca The Vintage Palestina war Collections dan The British Mandate Palestine war karena ada beberapa informasi terkait dengan situasi ditimur tengah dan jatuhnya jajahan kerajaan Ottoman palestina ke tanggan kerajaan Inggris sesudah perang dunia kedua, dan prangko kerajaan othoman yang terakhir juga dipergunakan didjajahannya palestina.
Dengan lengkapnya informasi dari wilayah ini, sangat membantu bagi kolektor yang berpergian atau bertualang di Palestina khususnya jerusalem (baca The Vintage Palestine book 1938) dan Turki.
( Saya sudah merencanakan suatu pertualangan ketempat tersebut selama sepuluh hari, agar koleksi yang ditampilkan akan lebih lengkap dan menarik, tetapi sponsr belum diperoleh,mungkin ada kolektor pengusaha travel mau mengajak saya sebagai guide ke perjalanan visit the Holyland Jerusallem, Tiberias, dengan lanjutan ke Istambul Turki untuk melihat musuem yang sangat hebat dan memukau Tokapi Sarayi, walaupun belum pernah kesana, saya telah memiliki klksi yang lengkap tentang wilayah tersebut, silahkan kontak editor Anton J.S via comment,terima kasih.-Dr iwan S.)


1.Pinocchio Puppet Wagon
please click The vintage Dysney’s Pincchio Book, yand you will have the complete inf and ill. related to Pinocchio.

2. Palembang Pittis coins
ucm have complete Palembang pitis coins which made from tin, and the info nd ill will installed later The Ancient South Sumatra Collections, all the clollection still compile and after finish , the info will starting to installed.


From the Thirteenth to the Nineteenth Century
UCM-uniquecollection.wrdpress.com Cyber Museum Show
@copyright Dr Iwan s.2010

Many people chancing upon ‘Turkish during Ottoman Empire collections’ will be suprised that there such a subject as Turkish unique collections like postal collections , turkish vintage book with miniature painting and picture illustrations, also the vintage Turkish hand painted plate Ceramic belongs to Dr iwan S which found in Indonesia and he created this rare informations and installed in his uniquecollection blog for all the collectors all ver the world, especially for middle East collectors and also Indonesian Collectors.(Dr Iwan S.)


1.The 14th Century
In the second quater of the 14th century the Osmanlis were so strong’s son Orkhan wa able to consolidate Osmanli ( and Islamic) authrity in Westren Anatolia(Turkish) and crss the Dardanelle int Balkan Europe. Orkhan’s succession cmpleted the Islamicizatin of Europe’s southeastren corner in the second half of the century, and the Ottoman Empire was on its way.

2.The Ottoman Empire in 15th Century

(1) With the heart of Byzantium now in their control, the Ottoman Turks spent the next century cngquering the Arab world, a task that was aided immeasurably by the presence there of the remnant Mamluk and Seljuk population from the centuries of the Crusades. Thier authority eventually extended beynd Egypt to the berber Lands of the westren Medireanean, but their primaly cntrol over Arab culture was centered throughout the region f the fertile Crescent, frm the Nile to the Euphrates. For the fitst time since trhe collapse of the Roman empire a thousand yer earlier, the Middle East brought under the dominon of a foreign state-Ottoman Anatolia (later Turkey)-that had the pwer to maintain political order and security.

(2)The Reign Of Murad II (1421-1451)
look at the mini painting of Murad II ill.

(3.) The Reign of Mehmed II (1451-1481)
Look at The mini painting of Sultan Mehmed(Mahmoed) ill.

(4.) The Reign of Bayazid II (1481-1512)

4. The Ottoman empire in 16th Century

(1)The Beginning of the sixteenth century
By the beginnig f the 16th century condition in the middle east seemed favrable to renewal of ecnmic prperity and the renascence of Arab culture through a revival in fortune of the native mercantile classes,which were still mostly Arab. The Ottomans had restored order and security to the intercontinental trade rutes that passsed through the Fertile Crescent. They had eliminated mst of the internal squabbles between and among the Turks and Mamluks in provincial areas of Egypt, Palestine and Mesopotania. They shared a common religius outlok with their Arab subject. Nevertheless, instead of an era f increasing properity and advancing culture, a perid of further economic decline, plitical deterioration and culture stagnation was t be the Arab’s fate in the centuries to come

(2)The Reign of Selim I (1512-1520)

(3) The Era of Suleyman the Magnificent(1520-1566)
(a) The miniature painting , the Amik lake in the plain of Antakya and the rntes River with arabic descriptions of the stages of Sultan suleyman’s campaingn in the two Iraqs.(not illustrated)
(b) The miniature Painting, The westren half f Baghdad n the right bank of the Tigris with Arabric dsecription f the stages of Sultan suleyman’s campain in the two Iraqs (Not illustrated)
(c) The Miniatur Painting showing Sultan Suleyman recieving Sheyk Abd al-Latif .(illustrated)

(4)The Reign of Murad III (1574-1595)
(a) The Miniatur painting of sweeper cleaning the parade ground; in the background, the reviewing Sultan Murad III seated in a kiosk
(b) The Miniatur painting of Attendants entertaining the public; courtiers and Eutopean ambassador n the reviewing stand in the background (not ill.)
(c) The Miniatur painting of the taxidermist passing review in front of Sultan Murad III(not ill.)

4.The Ottoman empire during 17th century

(1)The Reign of Sultan Ahmed I (1603-1617)
(a) the miniatur painting , above : Music in the house f a notable, belw: grotesque dance performed by masked man during Sultan Ahmed I.

(2)The Reign of Sultan Ahmed II (1617-?)

5. The Ottoman empire during 18th century

(1)The Reign of Sultan Ahmed III (1703-1730)
(a) several miniatur painting of Sulatn Ahmed III, only one ilustrated.
(2) 1798
The French invasion in this year, when the france broke out of Egypt and entered Palestine, the Ottman gvernment appealed to England for help. the England had interest to prevent a unilateral French takever of The Middle East, thus the England responded to the Ottoman appeal with a force of Military adviser and all ver the empire quickly trew the poorly supplied napleonic forces back into the Nile delta.

6. Othman Empire during 19th century
(1) The Reign of Sultan Mahmoud I

(a) 1801
Toward this end an Aglo-Ottoman force invaded the Nile Delta in this year and defeated the remaining French troops.

(b) Muhammad Ali , Ottoman visceroy of Egypt
A ranking officer in this force was aman of Turkish and persian ancestry whse father was an fficial in the Ottomans European province of Albania. His name was Muhammad Ali, and through a succession of events after defeat of the French he was appnted by the Ottoman emperor to be the new ruler of Egypt-the personal viceroy of the Ottoman sultan.

(c) The Wahhabi Revolt
At the end of the eighteen century, emerge a man named Abd. Al-Wahhab. as a priviladge son of the Wahhabi tribe, he had been sent to Bagdad for religious studies. repelled there by the Ottoman theological perversion of Islam, retuned to the Nejd inflamed by a passion fro reform, he preached a return to Muslim purity and a revival of the simplicity of Islam.
With the help of a local warrior sheik by the name of Muhammad Ibn Saud,the Wahhabi reform movement spread quickly, naturraly and fiercely through Arabia during the firs decade of the 19th century. But when Ibn saud began to lead tribal armies into Syria and Iraq to forcibly impose Wahhabism on the Arab strongholds of the Ottoman Sunnite realm, the conflict became more than religious; it became political, as well as, and when IBN saud and his wahhabi forces tok over the hejaz (look at the hejaztamps) and close off the anual pilgrimage to Mecca and Medina, thereby compromising the authority of the ottoman Sultanate throughout the islamic world, they touched off a series of political and military event that would, a hundred years later, bring the entire Arab would out from under the yoke of Ottomanism and produce the Arab political awakening.The Ottoman Sultan at the time of Wahhabi revolvt was sultan Mahmoud II
(d) Sultan mahmoud II had set out to make reform in the Ottoman institutions so as the strenghten the empire sufficiently to meet the threat of the increasingly apparent European imperialist designs on the eastren mediterranean. but he was totally unprepared for the Wahhabi chalange to his authority. as Caliph, he was responsible for the safety of pilgrim travelling to the shrine.
(e) Action by Sultan mahmoud was imperative, but the Ottoman government could not put enough forces to attack Ibn saud and his arnies nor could it cmpel the pashas (governor) Syria and Iraq to carry ut imperial orders to destroy Wahabi.
(f) 1810
Muhammad Ali was the most powerful and influential man in the Arab part of the Ottman empire, and it was to him that Sultan mahmud finally appealed to put an end of the Wahhabi in Arabia.
(g) 1812
Muhammad ali responded by sending an expedition to the peninsula in this year.
(h) 1818
After six years of intermitten warfare the froce of Muhammad Ali, led by his son Ibrahim capture Dariyah, Ibn Saud’s capital in the Nejd and snuffed out the power of the Wahhabi in Arabia.
(i) 1821
In this year, the Ottoman Sultanate was faced another revolt-this time in Greece-Sultan Mahmoud again turned to his Egyptian viceroy for help, promising him dominion over Palestine and syria.
(j) 1825
Muhammad ali sent his army and Navy t Greece in this year.
(k) 1827
After two year fighting, the Muhammad Ali Egyptian frces were destroy and the Ottoman empire became weak, because Briatin,France and Russia jointly intervened out of their resctive self-interest.
Treaty of London signed by British, France and in 1828 by Russian and the Greek war of Independent were lasted..
Crete Island was administrated from Egypt and Serbia became an Autonom principlaity.
Despite the defeat, Muhammad Ali called Sultan Mahmoud n his promise of Syria, when Mahmoud refused, Muhammad Ali prmptly decided to seize Syria by force and in this yaer launched attack across Palestine. His cnquest of Syria was rapid and caused profound consternatin in the Sultanate. Muhammad Ali had made his intentions clear. He wan nw intent on Wrresting the sultanate away frm Mahmoud and taking it for himself.
Sultan Mahmud went to The British for help , but Ali had already cncinced them for his drive to Constantinople was directed at strengthening the Ottoman Empire so that it could resist grwing Russian imperialistic design in Ottman europe; If Ottoman Europe fell to Russia, the Russian would only be a short remove frm central and Westren Europe. the British supprted Muhammad Ali’s ratinale and Sultan Mahmoud then turned to Russia for assistance.
(k) Ottoman during a grave international crisis
Ninetheenth century European great pwer political cmpetitin was at its height and the Russians, perceiving an opportunity to gain an easy fothold in the Ottoman empire, promptly came to Mahmoud’s aids. This in turn brought British and French threats against the Ottoman and resulted in what in mdern plitician parlance wuld be called a grave International crisis.
After a gd deal of saber-rattling between Britain,France,Russia and the Ottman , thye crisis was relved,but nt befre Muhammad Ali was granted Syria (along with four more Muslim territries) and the Russian presence was firmly established by treaty at the very gates of Constantinople.
(l) The Rivality between Muhammad ali and Sultan Mahmoud
The rivalry between ali and Mahmoud continued unabated. while two jousted ver the limping empire, the European nations sharpened their attantion. If the Ottoman Epire were to disintegrate through its own internice strife, each of the European imperial pwers was intent on picking up the pieces for itself, or at least preventing its rivals from gaining control of the Ottoman domain.
(m) 1838
Muhammad Ali announced his intention to remove all ttoman lands from Syria westward from the cntrol of the sultanate and to incorporate them under his wn independent Egyptian rule. This brought an attack of forces from Constantinople.
(n) 1839
The Ottoman forces were completely routed by Ali’s armies in syria in June of 1839. Shrtly thereafter Sultan Mahmoud I died, and the disorganized Ottoman leadership had no choice but to accede to the victorious Alis’s demand.

2. Sultan Abdul Hamid II.

(1) 1840
(a)It looked now as though the sultanate and the center of Ottoman power were about to shift from Anatolia t Egypt, where the French would enjy special status. Britain could not permit this happened. The British persuaded three of the other four great European powers-Russia, Austria and Prussia- to join it in putting a stop to the transfer. The four then put pressure on France.
In this year France wasced, under the threat of war with Britain and Russia, to acquiese in a British attack n Muhammad Ali’s forces in Syria and palestine. The british won, thereby shring the Sultanate and forcing Ali to abandn his dream of ruling the Ottoman Empire. The European permitted Ali to retain independent control over Egypt,at the instance of France; in so doing they guaranteed Ali’s autonomy except in religious matters and thereby disctated Constantinople’sloss of Egypt. From this date on, the flow of event in the middle east was no longer dependent upon the Ottoman or Egyptian ruler, but upon the European powers.
(b)In this year the fisrt public post in Ottoman empire.

(2) The Cremean war (1854-1855)
The interplay of imperial rivalries and interesta in Europe subsequently brought the crimean war, which pitted Russian against the Ottomans , in alliance with Britain and France. Although the Ottmans won because they had enlisted the aid f Britain and France, their empire came inrrevocably under the economic and political tutelage f these two cuntries. Thereafter, the Ottoman gvernment fell into a steady state f decline. Constant iner-Arab warfare in the Fertile Crescent-ussually religius cmbat by Muslim against Christian incited by reactionary Ottoman ruler trying to shore up their influence-brought repeatedEuropean intervention.

Moldovia (now in Romania) were Principality under Ottoman empire forming theNothyern mst part of the Ottman empire (look at the rare local Moldovia stamps and the Admirality steam ship stamp used at Suez canal )

Moldovia (now under Romania) and wallacge declared their independence (look the rare Local Moldovia stamps ill.)

(a)Only 58 Post Offices in the entire Ottoman empiree including Europe and the first stamped with Ottman emblem was issued, the first stamps use fr the whole empire from Europe to the top of Arabia, westren to Libya.
(b) Ottman issued the firs stamp with ottoman emblem decrations (look at the illustration)

In this year The Ottoman wages another was with Russia-the one unsuccessful-and felt into functional bankrupcy. In rder to protect their investment, the british and French stepped up their intervention in Ottman affair.

(8) 1878
Bulgaria became Principality

(During Sultan Abdul Hamid II ,the Ottoman empire postal services in 1863 had Issued the first stamp with the Turkish Ottoman coat of arm, and in 1867 the second issued Moon and crescent design, in 1869 the third issued were overprint the second issued with new nominal currency, after that issued another rare type stamps like the figure of Sultan Abdul Hamid II
I have also found in Indonesia a vintage Turkish multicolour handpainted ceramic plate with the last Ottoman emperor Sultan Mahmoud I picture decoration. (please look the illustrations)

(9) 1882
(a)The first massive intervation came in this year, when the British occupied Egypt in rder to protect their Suezanal and other econmic interest during an uprising of nationalist Arab against the Ottman ruling-class descendants of Muhammad Ali. the occupation only served to fortify the native populatin’s resentment against freign presence and influence.
By 1882 the idea of revolutionary nationalism, forged out of the French revolutin, was a well-established idelogy throughout Europe. Indeed , it had fr some time been at the heart of the Ottoman empire’s troubles as first Greece, then other Ottoman province in southern Europe, struggled to free themselves frm Turkish cntrol and establish, by revlution, their own soverieghn states.
(b) The Sultan in 1882 was Abdukl Hamid II, and behind him were arrayed the frces of Ottoman reactionism.Hamid was a fanatical Muslim who promulgated a policy of Pan-Islam, a policy that envisioned the entire Ottoman world free of any other religious influences.

(10) 1890
By the 1890s small but vocal secret Arabic societies had sprung up in Syria, Iraq and Egypt devted t the struggle for local plitical independence frm Ottoman rule.Simultanneusly, in Europe, a small movement called Zionism -based on the Jews dream of restring their riginal hmeland -was gathering adherents and momentum.
( In the year 1905,a bk appeared in Paris called The Awakening Of The Arab Nation, published under the imprint of the League f the Arab Fatherland. it propunded the natin of an independent Arabic-language nation extending from the Tigris-Euphrates across Syria and Palestine to Suez canal. The state wuld have an Arab’sultan’ to exercise political rule and acaliph to administer religious affair. By 1905 then,Arab nationalism-however much the cncept dependened on a religius structure that cntradicated truly nationalistic impuls-was in its first stage of birth-Thomas Kiernan)
( In 1908, the stresses and strains to which Arabs were subjected during Sultan Hamid’s harsh regime were alleviated somewhat, if only temporarily, by a palace revlution in constantinople in july 1908. A group of yung turks exasperated with Hamid’s rampant depotism, ousted him in coup d’etat and set out under the banner of their Committee of Union and progress to intitute real reform within the empire and restoreit to its former glory.France already had control of the frmer Ottoman province of Algeria and Tunisia and was moving n Marocco. ritain was irmly ensconced in Egypt and alng the Arabian pennisula. in 1916 which ttally ignred Mac mahon’s agreement with Srafid Hussein. in 1917 Hussein and his sns succeessfully carried out their action and in this year had destroyed the llast remnats of Ottoman rule in Hejaz. france and Great Britain agree to futher and assist the setting up of indegenous gvernments and administrations in Syria and Mesopotamia.Thomas Kiernan)

(11) 1899
Crete became autonom
The end.
@copy right Dr iwan s.2010

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Famous Painter Affandi

Museum Affandi

I Met this Affandi

Kartika Affandi

original affandi or Kartika

Original or fake

Vintage Affandi book Ill.

Vintage Affandi Picture

Vintage Affandi book cover

Hallo collectors,thankyou for click UCN today
UCN-uniquecollection.wordpress.com Cyber News
@copyright Dr Iwan s.2010

This day UCM short show will installed THE VINTAGE AFFANDI BOOKS
, Affandi was one of the best Indnesian Painters, not many informations was told by himself , that is why this day the Paintings collectors will read and look new informatin related to the very popular Indnesian Painters. please read carefuly and send more new info via comment.

Pada hari ini ,UCM akan menginstall beberapa infrmasi yang jarang ditemui yaitu dari buku lama tentang pelukis terkenal Affandi yang merupakan informasi yang langsung dari yang bersangkutan, dan informasi dari Dr Iwan S. khusus untuk kolektor lukisan di Indonesia.


1. The adventure of Dr Iwan s. in Singapore
Please clic TRave Unique collections, or in Indonesian language Kisah pertualangan Dr Iwan di Mentawai 1970. Every weeks in Indonesia language will installed in Berita Koleksi Unik Dr Iwan S, serial Pertualangan Dr Iwan mulai dari episode I 1949-1959
Episode II 1060-1972, episode III 1973-1991989, episode IV 1990-2000, and Episode V 2001-2009.
I am seeking the sponsored of this my adventure travel unique collections, because I need special photography and large byte site for installed, and may be the Film or TV sinetron producered want to used my very best story ” The Adventure of Dr Iwan S.” or in Indonesian “Kisah Pertuallangan Dr iwan Mencari Koleksi Unik”
also the CD rom or Book production may be interested ,please contact via comment, sample of story please click Kisah Perjalan Dr Iwan , TKisah pertualangan Dr Iwan S , Dr Iwan S Travel Unique collections. If this adventure edit by the professional writters may be this is the First Indonesia Adventure in Asia ever written and report in Internet. Please the Book collectors send your comment to revised this story to be the best Indonesian Adventure stories in Asia, like tom sawyer and Robinson crusou or Captain Cooks adventures.

2. The Xuande Ceramic
Please click The Rare Artifact Ming Imperial dragon five clown and Thye rare Ming Imperial Chrysanthenum ceramic.


UCM-uniquecollection.wrdpress.com CyberMuseum
@copyright Dr Iwan S.2010

1. Information from Dr iwan S.
(1) I have met affandi only one time in 1990, when I vist his museum in Jogya, but very pity when I entered the musuem noone there, and then I met him and he said the museum was closed , after he left me without any informations.
(2) In 1995, I look at Affandi painting show at Taman Marzuki was presented by his daughter Kartika Affandi, she sold her father painting to find the cost to pay Affandi medical consultative bill.
beside affandi Paintins, also kartika Affandi painting his fathers Affandi was painting in naked witut cloth.
One of Affandi painting was sold eight million rupiat,circa Us $ 4000, I have that money but I don’t interest his painting because I am not the painting collectors , veri pity in 2007 that painting was sld during Borobudur Auctions 4 million rupiah about $ 400.000 , oh my god why I dn’t buy that paintings before.
After the kartika show in 1997 i found two interesting book about Affandi,one Affandi told about himself and the other the painting expert Agus darmawan T. write abut Affandi.

2. Affandi told about himself
Affandi told about himself in 1975 :
If I were not, a well-known painter. I would still walk arund dragging my feet the way I do now. I have got to drag my feet along the alleys. It’s a man’s struggle and a struggle for humanity.
It happens that God has decided that I have always to struggle in front of a canvas pouring out my emotins in the form of colurful blotches made by the paints , I press ut from their tubes to perpatuate nature’s expressions and my own.
I was born sicty-four years ago in Ceribon. None of my ancetors was able to paint. My parents even told me to give up the idea of becoming an artist. They considered painting a meaningless job. That was also why my own brother suggested me that I cntinue my studies in the faculty of Medicine.
However, I made up my mind to follow the path I had chosen. I wanted to continue with my painting since i felt sure that I had talent needed in this field. God has granted me this particular ability. It wuld be a sin not t graceful frsuch a blessing.
I have had my ups and downs in my efforts to reach my ideal. The most important thing for me is that I have to achieve it anyhow, even thugh it requires lot of money. The basic pinciple is, the money should be lagally earned. I once worked as an usher at a cinema to get themoney I needed. I always think that there is dignity in every job, as long as it is not contrary to God’s rules.
I had to struggle hard for a better psition for Indonesian artist. They ought no to remain poor.
Once I saw a dcumentary film about Paris. on the screen I saw a street sweeper doing his job with his face bright, removing the rubbish on the corner of one of the streets inlarge city. Such a humble person was able to live peacefully there. How could a mere street sweeper make aliving freely there, in such a large metropolitant city?
This made me think hard. A man as I would surely be able to do more than that! I had got my scholing, thugh I didnt finish my studies. I had high ideals,although I am not a white man. you see, at that time we always regarded ourselves as beeing inferior to the white races. I had to have spirit to go to far places in order to gain what I wanted. It was then that my desire to travel abroad became an obsession.
Finally there came the chance ,I had been loking foward for a long time. I was lucky to get a schlarship from the government of India and I was warmly welcome in that cuntry. More than that, they even regarded me as an established painter,ne who needed nomore training, and what comment they gave !They said that Indonesia had made a mistake in sending a student like me, because,in their opinion, I was not an immature student but a really talented artist.
It was for this reason that my schlarship money was simply given t me all at once instaed of beiing provided yearly. With such a large sum of money I was able to travel around the country to get the experience I needed.
When I had trevelled enugh in India. I wanted to visit the city I had been longing for: Paris ! Since there was very little left of my money then, I tried to get a schlarship from the indonesian government. My request, however was refused. they thougt that a man like Affandi had been able to live in a foreign country and that meant that he was a rich man. They did not knw that I was in bad shape then.
It was this refusal that made me whhat I am tday : a man of iron, a man of hard spirit. I had to show my people that my struggle was nt merely for my own benefit, but for the good of my country and my
fellow-countryman , who had been dominated by a foreign power forncenturies. I wanted to show them that Indnesians were able to catch up with the peple of the developed countries. They ugyt t knownthat we have a great culture.
Thank God, finally I succeede in acieving my goal. I took part in aworld contest for fine arts, and I won a prize! Now I had a bright future. not long afterwards i recieved an invitation to visit Europe and my wn government congratulated and praised me.
This is a short account of what has made me feel as if I have becme one soul with the paints and canvases up yo this moment, a feeling that I shall probably have until my last breath is gone. To me it does not matter how much money my painting bring me, a million or even one rupiah, but I will still paint and paint.

The installed still in processing, will finish Aptil 7th at night.

@Copyright Dr iwan S.2010

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Gapetto carved Pinnochio

Pinnochio puppet Show

Stromboli another puppet

Stromboli Duck Puppet

MasterMusic PuppetShow

Jiminy Cricket dance

Cleo Gapetto fish

Pinocchio puppet show

Fairy free Puppet

Pinnocchio sentTo PleusureIsland

Pleasure Island Motel

Peagon carry Pinocchio



Disney Pinocchio 1939


This rare Walt Disney Pinoccchio Paint Book was the original illustration from The Walt Disney Motion picture , Whitan Publishing Cmpany,Racine,Wiscosin. Copyright 1939 by Walt Disney Productions ,Printed in USA.
This rare book divided in two part one the Pinnocchio illustrations for painted and the other The Story of Pinnochio.
(copyright was overrtime,that is why the bookowner Dr Iwan S who found this rare book at Jakarta in 1995, not forbidden to show the info and illustrations,this book still in fine conditions and never used (no painted) maybe this is the sampling book. very difficult to foun dthis book becauseduring world War II Dai Nippn will burned all his USA enemy document and book)

1. This paint book consist 33 picture illustrations
2. Some interesting pictured will illustration if the collectors asked via comment :
(1) Geppeto painting Pinocchio
(2) Pinocchio starring in Stroboli’s puppet show
(3) Figaro opening the window
(4) Stromblli wagon ,the mean old puppet master
(5) The School bell ringing
(6) Gapett searching for pinocchio
(6) Jiminy greeting the music master
(7) Some strombolis puppet
(8) Jimmi Cricket
(9) Cleo,Gappettos little goldfish
(10) The Lobster Inn

III The Story of Pinocchio

1. Jiminy Cricket
Footsore Jiminy Cricket,who had walked a long way,came one starlit night to a litttle village. Here he found just the house he was looking for a fine place to stay, n the hearth near the warm fire, where a cricket belons.

In the house lived Geppeto, a kindly old man who was an expert woodcarver. He made puppet,which almost came alive when he pulled their stringgs so thet they danced and walked and nodded their heads. Earlier that day Gappetto had carved his master-piece. It was a little boy puppet who looked so real that Geppetto dicided to give him a boys name, and called the puppet PINOCCHIO
Geppetto liked his new puppet Pinocchio so much thet he wished that it was real fleh and blood. He wanted very much to have a real boy for his son. How happy he would be then !

3. Figaro and Cleo
The only really living things in Gappettos workshop were Figaro the kitten and Cleo the funny little goldfish. Gappetto loved them like two children,
Seeing the bright evening Star that night, just before he went to bed, Geppetto made a wish although he did not really belive it would ever come true, he wished it with all his heart.
Do you knw what he wished ? He wished that Pinocchio might turn into an honest-to-goodness, really-and-truely,flesh-and-blood little boy.Smiling happily at the thought ,Geppeto fell asleep and had very pleasant dreams while something very wonderful and strange happened in his workshop

4. Blue Fairy
In the night the Blue Fairy came and granted the wish. Pinocchio became alive, but he had to prove his worth before he would be a real boy. He try hard.
To help Pinocchio be good , honest and worthy, the blue Fairy provided him with a conscience to tell him the difference between what it right and what is wrong.
Jimmi Cricket offered to help, so the Blue Fairy made him the Official conscience to guide Pinocchio in his new life.
Pinocchio was very happy to be alive, and able to talk and walk and sing. He was happy, too, to have Jiminy Cricket to teach all he had to learn about life of a real boy, but poor Pinocchio was to find it harder to be a good boy that he thought it would be!

5. Pinnochio go to School
For when Pinocchio set out to school, like all boys, he was seen by two rascals, a wily fox and a wicked cat, who at once plotted to kidnap him.A walking, talking puppet that worked without somene pulling strings.

6. Stromboli the owner of Puppet show
To STROMBOLI, the owner of a traveling puppet show, Pinocchio
was sold into slavery by J.Worthington Foulfellow, the fox, and GIDEON , the wicked cat. They got a good price for their villainy, these two scoundrels. Stromboli knew that a real, live puppet was worth almost any price, for it would make his show the only one of its kind in all the world!
At first , Pinocchio was made to believe that he was going to be a great actor, but he learned to his sorrow that Stromboli intended to keep him a prisoner, and make him work without pay.
When Pinocchio was locked in a birdcage and knew he would never see his Father, Geppetto,again, he wept for his folly, and wished he had listened to Jiminy.

7.Jimminy Cricket had follow Pinocchio
Jimminy Cricket had followed Pinocchio, as a good concience should, but he could not get the puppet out of the birdcage.
The blue fairy took pity on Pinocchio, and appeared to ask him what had happened.
Because he was ashamed to tell of his folly, Pinocchio made up a story- and every time he streched the truth, he nose grew longer and longer , until it reached across the inside of the Strombolis wagon!The blue Fairy explained that his lies were thus a plain as the nose on his face.
Jiminy Cricket begged Pinocchio not tolie anymore.Pinocchi then told the truth-and his nose went right back to its proper size.
The blue fairy then set the puppet free, and he and Jiminy Cricket started home.

8. Pincchio sent to the plaesure Island
The fox and the Cat came along again, and again they fooled poor Pinocchio, they sent him to Pleasure Island.Pinocchio was told that on Peasur Island boys had a good time all day long, and never went to school or did a single thing , they did not wnt to do.
It sounded like a very fine place, but Pinocchio did not know that no boy could amount to anything who did just as he pleased all time.
In fact, the Coachman , who paid the fox and the cat to persuade Pinocchio to go to the Pleasure Island, had a reasn for paying a high price. That Coachman knew that boys who do only what they like to do, and never learn their lessons,finally make jackasses of themselves-and when any boy turned into a jackass, the Cachman sell him to hard work the rest of his life.
Pinocchio went to Pleasure Island, and at first had what he thought was a wonderful time. He paid no attention to jiminy Crickets warnings. But when he grew two donkeys ears and a long donkeys tail,Pinocchio frightened.
The worst boy at Pleasure Island was Lampwick, and he had become Pinocchios Pal. Pinocchio saw Lampwick actually turn into donkey before his very eyes.

9.Pinnochio planned to escape from the Pleasure island
There was nly one thing to do. Pinocchio at last listened to Jiminy Cricket, who told hil all the mistakes he had made. Jiminy Crickets and Pinocchio then planned to escape from Pleasured Island before it was too late.
They almst failed to get away safely, but they did and Pinocchio at once set out for home and the good woodcarver, Gappetto gone.Pinocchio wondered what to do, when Jiminy Cricket found a message , which said that Gappetto had gone to search Pinocchio.

10. Gapetto had been swallon by Monstro
Gappetto had been swallowed by MONSTRO the Whale! In despair, Pinocchio wept but a big white pigeon came and offered to carry him to the seashore, to look the Geppetto.
Sorry for his misdeeds, Pinocchio decided to find his father and rescue him from the mouth of Monstro, the Terror of the Deep.
In the mouth of Monstro, Gappetto live and had almost no hope of ever getting out.But Pinocchi tied a big rock to his donkey tail, jumped into the sea, and found himself on the ocean floor. After many adventures, he at last found Mosntro and was swallowed with a school fish. Gappetto was overjoyed to see his son.

11. Pinocchio Sneezed out from Monstro mouth
Pinocchio built a great fire in the whales mouth, to make the mosnter sneeze.Sneezed out of Monstos mouth, Gappetto, Pinocchi, figaro , cleo and Jiminy Cricket at last got safely home.
The blue Fairy rewarded Pinocchio for his bravery by making him a real boy. So they wer all very thankful, and very,very happy.
(Did the collectors ever read this vintage riginal story ? I have never reed this story, I only know that Pinocchio have long nose, and hear the children song Pinokio pinokio in indonesian language. I have found these rare vintage book almst twenty years, and during written the Rare Vintage Disney Collections related the collectors choice The Ancient and vintage Clown collections, I remenbered I have a Vintage Disney drawing book 1939, after one weeks I met this book in the panel Frame. I am very pity, because during my early live as the yound body Indonesia just during and after the Indnesia Independence war, not many disney book exist that time, I bought this book for my Grandoughter, and later in 2001 when I have the granddughter Pricessa(Cessa) and Joceline(Celine) I will show and tell her the interesting story of Pincchio. Please tell me your experience with the Disney Pinocchio story via comment, and also look and read about Disney with click the Vintage Disney Collection in this blog.Dr Iwan S.)

the installed still in processing,finish Monday night.
@copyright Dr Iwan S.2010

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Ancient Egypt

Ancient China

Ancient China

Ancient Persia embroidery

Ancient French embroidery

Lampung embroidery

Lampung embroidery

Palembang embroidery

Palembang embroidery

China embroidery

Tionghoa embroidery

Tionghoa embroidery

Singer Postcard 1930

Hand Sewing embroidering

Native Riau embroidery

Kebaya Encim 1930

Minang Cristic Embroidery

Minang Cristic Embroidery

Minang cristic Embroidery

Minangkabau embroidery

Minang embroidery pre WWII

Kebaya embroidery 1953

Kebaya embroidery 1953

UCM-uniquecollection.wordpress.com Cyber Museum


This info and illustrations Compile by Dr iwan S from his private vintage embroidery collections arraged in chronologic historic information of embroidery in the world and especially Indonesia from many vintage embroidery books
@copyright Dr Iwan Suwandy 2010.
The illustration only some rare embrodery ,especially from Dr iwan S. private collections:

1. The vintage Palembang and Lampung embroidery late XIXth centuy – early XXth century.(The complete illustrations will show later at THE VINTAGE RARE PALEMBANG AND LAMPUNG EMBROIDERY in this blog please read UCN to know the illustration have finish)

2. The Vintage Minangkabau embroidery early XXthCentury.(The complete illustrations will show later at THE RARE VINTAGE MINANGKAU EMBROIDERY COLLECTIONS)

3.The vintage Tionghoa(Indonesia chinese overseas) embroidery early XXth century, including the beads embroideries (The complete illustration will show later at THE RARE VINTAGE TIONGHOA EMBROIDERY COLLECTIONS)

4. The Vintage Kebaya Emboidery 1953 (the complete illustrations will show later at THE RARE VINTAGE KEBAYA EMBROIDERY 1953)



(a) The Embroidery (or sulaman ) can be traced back to the Iron SAge, the Ancientwoman discovered that she could used thread to join pieces of fur to make clothes, as a natural progress, she also discovered that the same thread could be used to make decorative pattern on the clothes. She also used colourful beads,stone and bones to add these decorations.
(b) Several excellent examples of beautiful embroideries are still surviving until now , we can look at the museum in Egypt,China,Persia, India and England.Each Country has its own distinctive style of embroidery which incorporates the cultyr and imaginery from their history and tradition.
(c) 475-221 BC
During China archeologic ecavation the Chu tomb in 1958 , they found China ancient embroidery circa 475 BC with design phoenix bird.
The other excavation Han Tomb circa 206BC-220AD at Mawangdui , they found embroidery with Longevity design (Shou) and also a silk cloth approximately 50 cm wide and 110 cm long that contain two text about medicine and forty-four drawing depicting figures engaged in physical (may be this embroidery, look at the illustration of mawangdui embroidery design physical exercise)
(d) no information and illustration of indonesia ancient embroideries exist, may be Indonesian archeologist will send us via comment.

(a) VIII th- Xth Century AD
The Persian Archeologist report in 1922 (William Cohn,Die Kuns des Alten Persien or The Art Collection of Ancient Persian,Berlin,122, Dr Iwan S. rare vintage Book Collection) that they found two Persian emboidery
(a1) Ancient Persian Embroidery design bird 9th-10th Century AD. (look at the illustration cap Persian 8thCtry.)
(a2) Ancient Persian embroidery design bird 8th-9th century AD (look at the illustration Cap.Persian 9thCtry)

(a) 1368-1644
During Ming Dynasty some portugal businessman visited China and returned home with sample of Chinese embroidery.
(b) 1644-1912
During Qing Dinasty, embroidery Workshop were formed and Chinese embroidery became more elegant and cover a wider aesthetic rage.Embroideries is a traditional Chinese craft which caused of pulling colored thread through a back ground with meedle to STICH PATTERN (look at the same style with The Tionghoa ecthnic embroideries design at THE RARE VINTAGE TIONGHOA EMBROIDERY EARLY XX CENTURY)

(c) British and Franch embroidery (1625)
When King Charles I ascended throne in British and his royal Queen was a French Princess , the French fashion taste influence England , Plain silk were used in preference to heavily embroidered.

(d)Westren embroidery (1848-1873)
Jacob Schien started the first commercial embroidery manifacturing establisment in New York this year.
(d2) 1870
Fourteen company manifactory embroidery Machine is Switzerkand have manifacturing hand loan embroidery machine.
(d3) 1873
Alphonse Kursheen imported tweleve of the then new embroidery hand loons from St Galen Switzerland, making him the first American to used a Machinized embroidery procress.

(a)The earliest record of lampung tapestrry embroidered wilk gold or Non gold threats-embroidery.
(b)Orginally a long straight Arab inspired.Originate in the Middle east, while other argue that it may have cam from nearly China. Derived from the Arab word KABA meaning cloth and inroduced to Indonesia via the Portugeus lenguage , the term KABAYA has came referd to a garment whose origin appeared to be a blouse. It was first worn in Indonesia.
(c) The Arab kebaya style was adopted by the Indonesia Madame or Nyonya and Tionghoa madame or Encim of the early Tionghoa community.
A subgroup of the Chinese overseas(Tionghoa) who gradually transformed into a shapely,embroidered, transluscent bluse,fastened with a set of chained brooches (Peniti kebaya encim, look the illustration of dr Ronny Handokos mother-inlaw kebaya encim vintage photo circa 1938,she was my Mother auntie take photo by Dr iwan S mother, also the vintage native sumatra women with Native Kebaya ) worn with a matching hand-drawn Batik sarong and beaded slepper.

(a)Before Indonesian National Movement began in 1928, all Indonesian women still wear the native traditinal embroider wear still same from the late 19th century, and the same with the etnic Tionghoa(Chinese Overseas in Indonesia) they used many chinese homeland embroidery style for wedding and other religious ceremony.
(b)In 1900 starting the great embroidery on Kebaya,handkherchief and other wedding ceremonial for wedding room in Sumatra and Java were done by a manual foot operate Sewing Mechine mark Singer.(look at the illustration native Indonesia created embroidery by Singer machine and the emblem of Singer on vintage picture postcard)
(c)Between 1960-1980 Dr Iwan S collecting the Palembang-Lampung embroidery and The Tionghoa embroidery, because many foreigner ask him to seek this very rare and expensive collections, some he sold but the best collections still keep until this day,and please look some sample illustrations. (the complete illustration will installed later at THE RARE VINTAGE PALEMBANG AND LAMPUNG EMBROIDERY COLLECTIONS and THE RARE VINTAGE TIONGHOA EMBROIDERY COLLECTIONS. Very difficult to find this rare collectins in good conditions0.

(a) 1920
During the full emergence of the National struggle in Indonesia, expatriat european women stoped wearing the Kebaya because it was identified with the typical Indonesia ethnic style and Kebaya became associated with Ethnic Indonesian Nationalism (look the illustration of Ethnic Indonesian women with Kebaya and sarong dress circa 1920-1940 , the rare vintage photo collection Dr iwan S.).
(b) 1942-1945 During Dai Nippon Occupation
Educated expatrian European women in civil Prisoner of war wear Kebaya rather than westren dress because Dai Nippon allocated kebaya as the prisoner wear.
(c)August,17th.1945 during Proclamation day
The only women in atttandance,Mrs S.K.Trimurti beside Mrs Fatmawati Sukarno and Mrs Rahmi Hatta wearing kebaya. this image helped tranform the kebaya from traditional dress to the status of National dres for Indonesian women.
(d)During middle of 20th Century Kebaya worn in Java and Sunda after the Dutch Colonizations
(e) 1950-1960
(e1) It was trend to wear a black corset under Kebaya so you can see the corset beneath the thin material of the kebaya with simple embroidery on the edge of the kebaya called bilin-bilin (look th eillustraion of bilin-bilin embroidery Kebaya 1953)
(e2) Dr Iwan S in 1994 found the very rare Kebaya embridery design sampling, keeping in one platic Album with the year 1953, very pity anonim, may be this from Tionghoa embroidery hand machinal factory, when the owner died ,her son thruogh out his mother collections and I found at Lapak or the ex dress traders, and this the only one vintage kebaya 1953 collections ever seen and reported.Dr Iwan s very lucky (look the sample illustrations, the complete illustration will installed later at THE RARE VINTAGE KEBAYA EMBROIDERY 1953)
@copyright Dr Iwan S.2010.

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Rare Embroidary design

Rare German stamp

Indonesia Independence day

Rare embroidery design

Hallo collectors thankyou for click UCN today
UCN-uniquecollection.wordpress.com Cyber News
@Copyright Dr Iwan S.2010.

UCM have two types of the rare Indonesia ethnic embroidary design :
(1) The handmade embroidary Design in the early 20th Century.
This rare and best collections found in West Sumatra.
(look at the illustrations embrodery design Butterfly)

(2) The Vintage Machinal embroidary(Bordir) design in 1953.(look at the illustration rare design Shrimp 1953)

UCM will installed ” The rare Indonesia Ethnic embroidary design ” in two types :
(1) The rare Indonesia Etnic Embroiadry Fauna Design .
(2) The rare Indonesia Ethnic Embroidary Floral Design


1. The history of Indonesian Independence Proclamation.
please click INDONESIA INDEPENDENCE WAR in this blog for the complete informations and the illustration UCM Indonesia Independence War 1945. this is the best chronlogic historic arranged with the collections documen,photo,revenue and postal history. Until this day have installed 1945, Jan and Feb 1946, after that starting from March 1st 1946, UCM March 1st :”The Indonesia Independace war today” have installed until March 14th. and the next April 1st 1946. please read the UCM information in UCN to know when installed have finish.(please look the illustration the DN west Sumtra stamps used during Indonesia Independent proclamations day August.17th.1945.)

2. Rare Germany Stamps
The rare Germany stamps many during German state, and the German Building stamps, Hitler SS stamps and the victory Bell stamps. (please look the illustrations)

3. Postmark Crimean war
please click the early British Postmark and the collectors will seen the special postmark of Crimean war. no special stamps issued. For the history of Ottoman empire which involved the crimean war, please click The Ancient palestine war Collections and The british Mandate palestine war collections because Palestine was the Ottoman area that time.

UCM have finish installed The very rare Ming Tiger Ceramic, with the best photo illustration with the History and The Lucky Feng-sui of the Tiger.The collectors will understand about the art and ethnic traditional of China cultural history.

@copyright Dr Iwan S.2010

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King Archaemid III 400BC

Archaemenid III 400BC

King Cyrus II

Cyrus II 576BC

King Darius I

King DariusI 550BC

Alexander TheG 330BC

Alexander the Great

Greeco Buddish 130BC

Ex Capital Balkh1stctry

Balkh Capital Aryana

ex Balkh 1stcentury

Kanishka Coin3rdctry

Kanishka statue3rdctry

Kanishka 3rd century

Peshawar 3rd Century

Capital Peshawar3rdCtry

Capital Bagram3rdCtry

Bagram Buddish 3rdCtry

King Chorid 6thCentury

King Ghazni coin

King Ghazni

King Mahmud Ghazni

Ancient Ghazni 790AD

Ghazni Islamic center

Genghis Khan 1360

Genghis Khan 1370

Timur Khan 1370

King Z.baber 1500

King Z.Babur 1500

Shah Jehan 1526

Shah Jehan 1526

King Hotakia 1709

Vader Afshar 1738

Ahmad shah 1747

Timur Shah 1790

Zaman Shah 1810

Br.Occ.Kabul 1837

Br.Occ.Kandahar 1837

BRGen Mac Naghten

King Shuja 1837

Sher Ali khan 1838

King Yacoob khan 1878

Dost Mohammed Khan

AngloRussian warship 1839

Amir Abdur Rahman 1888

King Amanullah Khan 1919

Civil war 1925

King Nadir Shah 1929

King Zahir Shah 1950

King Zahir Shah 1957

King Zahir Shah 1950

Compile from many Vintage Books illustrations by@copy right Dr Iwan S. 2010.

( 6th – 1th CENTURY BC)

1. Archaeminides Dinasty of Persia (550-330 BC)
The Archaeminides dinasty of persia occupied Afghanistan.
(1) Emperor Archaemenid III (550-576)
(2) Emperor Cyrus II (576-550 BC)
(3) Emperor Darius I (550-480 BC)

II. The Greeco dinasty
The Greeco dinasty of Greeks occupied Afghanistan
(1) Alexdander the Great (330 BC)
(2) Greeco-Bactrian state in Balk city(250 BC)
(3) Eueratides dinasty (130 BC)

(1st – 7th CENTURY AD)
1. Aryana Kingdom (1-1600 AD)
Aryana meands the Lands of the Aryans with Capital Balkh.
(1) Dinasty Peshadi
(2) Dinasty Yama
(3) Dinasty Kawi and Kawa
(4) Dinasty Kwat and Aspo

2. 1000 AD
Zoaraster, philsopher from Balkh teaching Averta religion.

3. 2nd Century AD
no info

4. Dinasty Kushand (3rd Century AD)
a.King Kanishka the great of Kushand dinasty conquered large part of India, he have two capital :
(1) Summer Capital Bagram
(look at illustration of Begram Buddha statue and illustrations of Begram city)
(2) Winter Capital Peshawar
(look at the illustration of the Peshawar city ,ancient and now)

b,During the Kushan Dinasty, in Aghanistan were built The Temple at Bamdan, Bagram and Peshawar and large fire temple at Baghean.

c. King KUshan had a political and commercial relation with China and Roman empire because Afghanistan area in the middle of the Silk road between the two empire.

d. Kushan glory began to fall away gradually and West Turk and Sasanid Kingdom have made number of conquest which created Ephtalides Dinasty.

5. The Dinasty of Ephtalides
During this Dinasty, King Rubbic and Brahman rule Kabul (Afghanistan). (no illustration exist)

6. 6th-7th Century AD
Emperor Chorid from Kutub Minor of Delhi conquest
Ghanavid in India, introducing civilization move from Lahore to Delhi.

( 8th-13th CENTURY AD)

1. 642 AD
Arab defeat Sasaman by Pricess Herat and Saistan.

2. 8th Century AD
The first Arab missionaries and troops entered Westren bodies of Afghanistan and the Capital city Kabul.

3.Ghasnaevid Dinasty (*th-9th Century AD)
The emperor Mahmud Ghazni of the Ghasnavid dinasty conquered Afghanistan, and Ghazni City started to challange Bghdad,Tangier and Cairo as the center os Islamic civilization.

(1370-1526 CENTURY AD)
1. 1370
The first Mongol Khan(emperor) Genghiz Khan occupied Afghanistan and oder Timur Khan as the king of Afghanistan with the capital at Herat.
(look at the picture illustrations of Gengghiz Khan and Timur Khan with the capital Herat)

2. 1500
Zahiruddin baber came to Kabul from Farghana valey.

3. 1502
Safavid King of Iran Took over Afghanistan in this year
(look at his picture illustration 1502).

(1526 -1738)
1 .1526
Jehan Shah the King of the Mughol occupied Afghanistan (look at his picture illustrations)

The Hotakia dinasty king Mirwais Khan.(look at his picture illustration) from 1705 until 1738.

Shah Mahmud who led an Afghanistan army into Persia defeated persian. at the Battle of Guenabad.(look his picture illustration)

3. 1738
Jehan Shah the last King of Mughol(look at his picture illustrations)

V.. Durani Empire (1747-1826)

King Ahmad shah the first king of Durani or Afshenif kingdom with the capital at Kandahar, he was the Father of the SAfghan nation (look at his picture illustration 1751.}

The Son of Ahmad Shah, King Timur Shah became the king of Afghanistan and he transfer the capital to Kabul from Kandahar.

3. The grandson of Ahmad shah,Zaman Shah the became the king of Afghanistan.

(19th-20th CENTURY)

1.The Siege of Herat.(1837-1838)
During the King Dost Mohammad Khan, collision between the expanding British and Russian Empire ,significant influence Afghanistan., this situation escallationed to The Siege of Herat from 1837 until 1838.
(Look the illustrations of King Dost Mohammed Khan and the Herat city picture.)

(1) The First Anglo-Russian war (1839-1842)
British occupied Jalal Abad, Kabul ,Shasmi and Kandahar.This war destruction British army.
because the British Resident General Mac Naghten and King shuja was assaination by Amir Sher Ali Khan at Kabul and British troop quit Afghanistan.
(look at the illustartion of Gen.Mac Nahgten , King Shah Shuja and Amir Sher Ali Khan)
(2) The Second Anglo-Russian war (1878-1880)
(look at the illustrations of British Naval War Ships)
The British second invasio vs Amir Mohammed Yacoob Khan (look at his picture illustration)

3. 1880
The battle of Maiwand ,Amir Abdur Rahman became the King of Afghanistan unitil 1905 and he unified Afghanistan.(look at his profile illustration) .

4. 1905-1914
no info

5. 1915-1918
Afghanistan netral country during World War I.

6.Reform of Amanullah khan and civil war
( 1919-1929)
look at the King Amanullah Khan picture and vintage civil war Photo illustration.

7. The Reign of Nadir Shah (1929-1950)
look at the King Nadirs Shah picture.

8. The Reign of Zahir Shah (1950-1973)
The last King of Afghanistan King Zahir Shah9
(look at the Book illustration of his profile in1950 and 1958)

@Copyright Dr Iwan S.2010

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Rare Pieerot Ceramic

Rare Pieerot painting

Pieerot clown

Pieerot Pieerette card

Pieerot Pieerette clown

Pieerot clown book ill.

Pieerot clown

Herlequin clown

Chaplin Archelino clown

Archelino clown

Trivelino clown

Zaccagnino Clown

Fagolino clown

Fritellino clown

Hobo Clown

Tramb clown

Buen Clown

Pochinko clown

Sue morrison clown

Vintage Pierot ceramic

Compile from vintage book with clown illustrations,Vintage Clown ceramic ,painting and Vintage clown picture postcard.@copyright Dr Iwan S.2010

I. The Vintage French Clown
The very famous French clown in Europe was the Pierot clown created by Pieerot Pirouette is comedian art of character Pedrolino, Pedrolino appear without masked, but more famous as Pierot clown.
pierrot ussually appears in White face typically with very little other color,
Pierrot clown is often famele and she had been called Piroutte or Pierrette , when Bernard Delfond wa made a life show, he choosed Pierrot and Pierrette as the supporter of his coat of Arm,
UCM have installall the Pieerot clown illustration several vintage Photo , Vintage book illustrations and vintage ceramic of Pieerot clown.

II. The Vintage Italian Clown

1. The Arlechino Clown
The Arlechino clown always carries a cane with which to strike the other performance, although this cane is normally tkaen fromhim by the other performance and used against him. the famous comedian Chaplin also played Arlechino (look ill Chaplin arlechino clown and two other Arlechino clown illtrs.)

2. Other type Italian Clown :
(1)Herlequeen Clown (ill)
(2) Trivelino Clown (ill)
(3) Zaccgnino Clown(ill)
(4) Fagolino Clown (ill)
(5) Fritelino Clown masked (ill cap.Fritellino Clown)

III. The Vintage USA Clown

1. Hobo Clown
The Hobo clown always migration and find work during travel.with white face and red nose(ill Hobo clown)

2. Tramb Clown
The Tramb Clown always migration but they didnot work to the special show, but they have thier ownself shows.(ill. Tramb clown)

3. The Buen clown
The Buen Clown didnot migration and non work, the have their own show near their living area.(ill Buen clown)

IV. The Vintage Canada Clown

1. The Pochinko clown, develoved by Richard Pochinko.
look illustration caption Pochinko clown.

2. The Sue Morrison clown (illustration caption Sue Morrison)

after this will show Around the World with Modern Clown .read UCN when the installed finish.
@Copyright Dr iwan S.2010

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