
Archive for the ‘Unique Travel Story’ Category

Protp. Mormon Herrington Ford 1937

Prototype Willys M38A1 1941

Jeep Willys MB 1941-1945

Korean War Jeep willys

Jeep Willys caricature

Willys manual 1942

My willys 1953 manual

My Jeep Willys 1953

Hallo Collectors,thankyu for click UCN today
UCN-uniquecollectin.wordpress.com Cyber News
@copyright Dr Iwan S.2010

This day UCM short show have installed The Vintage jeep willys cllections, constist the history and illustrations from The prototype jeep for constest, and the winner Jeep Willys, the Jeep Willys MB productions during the WWII 1941-1945, The Korean War Jeep willys two type 1953 (low mechine top) and 1955 (high round mechine top ) and my Jeep Willy CJ 3 A 1953. (read the adventure of Dr iwan with his jeep willys 1953 in Indonesian language)

Setelah kolektor mobil antik Indonesia membaca Koleksi Mobil Toyota, hari ini dalam bahasa Inggris telah dipostkan The Vintate jeep Willys 1941-1955, termasuk koleksi Dr Iwan S-my Jeep willys 1953, dan juga Kisah Pertualang Dr Iwan S dengan jeep Willys 1953 tersebut. Dr iwan S sangart mengharapkan komentar kolektor mbil antik Indnesia, apakah anda sudah pernah membaca dan melihat illustrasi seperti ini via Comment, apabila anda masih penasaran saya juga punya cerita dan gambar illustrasi dari foto pribadi lama Ibu saya,mobil Ford 1938 milik Kakek Dr Iwan dan juga koleksi reklame mobil dari majalah lama tahun 1940, berbagai jenis mobil saat itu, merupakan koleksi yang sangat langka, belum pernah dilaporkan dalam media surat kabar atau internet, juga dilengkapi cerita Ibu saya tentang Mbil kebanggannya, dan juga pengalaman saya naik mobil antik merk Dodge 1940 tahun 1973 milik saudara ibu mertua saya. Bila kolektor mobil antik ingin melihat kleksi tersebut, harap and minta liwat komentar dengan syarat lampirkan foto koleksi mobil antik anda atu teman keluarn 1940 atau sebelumnya. Saya pernah melihat foto Mobil Toyopet 1938 milik orang Tua isterinya BM Diah puteri seorang dokter pribumi di Bangka sebelum perang dunia kedua , Ibu Herwati pemilik hotel megah didepan patung Pak Tani Menteng Jakarta.

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UCM-uniquecollection.wordpress.com Cyber Museum shrt Show
@copyright Dr iwan S.2010

A. The jeep willys protoype Contest 1941.

1.The Jeep willys prototype (1937-1941)
Willys MB were the US Army Jeep, along with nearly identic with Ford Jeep production with named. Mormon, Herrington Ford 1937 (look illustration).

2. The Jeep Willys win the contest 1940-1941
in July,22th.1940-1941 Three Car manufacture inc. joined the contest for protype War jeep:
(1) Bantam protype name Blitz Bugsy (I didnot have the picture please the collector wh have that picture please show us via comment)
(2) Ford protype named Mormon-Herrington Ford Jeep
(3) Willys Overland Motor Inc prtotype named Jeep Willys MA

3.The Jeep willys collection 1941-1945
(1) 1941-1942
Willys overland Motor Inc. win the contest with their prototype after 49 days test because the machines strong, the price mre lower and US War Departement made the contract to Willys overland Inc for producing 1500 unit jeeps, but until October 1941 Willys Overland Motor inc cannot finish that jeep, and US War departmen asking Ford Inc to built Frd Jeep type GPW with used the Willys lincensed.
During the second prduction from 1941-1945 Willys prductions 363.000, Ford 260.000 and 51.000 export to Russia.

(2) 1943
Ford also producing The Amfibian Jeep 13.000 items with name GPA or Seep for Sea Jeep.

(3 )Then US War Department asking the Three Car Inc to built the more best Standar Jeep , the joint productions between the three inc, Bantam,Ford and Willys, starting frm desiagn A , but reject, then they built model B , approved and named Jeep Willys MB, every incorporation producing 1500 unit, and at least 16.000 unit.. .

B. The Jeep Willys MB Collections 1949-1953

(1)In 1949 Willys Overland Motor inc built the new model versi CJ (Civilian Jeep) with same design with Jeep willys MB with mark CJ-3A ( my Jeep willys was the CJ-3A type,look the illustrations)

(2) The Korean War Jeep Willys Collections 1950-1955
1. The jeep willys low mechine top 1950 (look at the ilustration)
2. The Jeep Willys High Round mechine top(look at the illustration)

(3) My jeep willys 1953
In 1974, My official car was The Jeep willys 1953, I learned to drive the car with the best driver Mr Azis, he gave me many infrmations and how to be a good diver , like how to turn the stir to left or right with the best hand positions, and we made the adventure travel from Solok to Sijunjung during the road still very bad ,small at the high mountain and across the Indragiri River with ponton small ship, read the complete adventure in indonesia language Kisah pertualangan Dr iwan S dengan Jeep Willys.
In 1985 the jeep Willys 1953 was disposal (dump) and I bought that jeep very cheapest because almost 11 years I spent many cost to made that Jeep still in very good conditins, but the Rem still not good because that time still in old type technlgy, also no power steering, we must alway turn the stir to made the Jeep in the straight positions, alsso the charger dynamo always get trouble which made the electricity power dwn in the night, that is why i alway used the jeep only in daylight.
(the comple story, read in Indonesia langguage)
My Wife, Sister and Father also learning Stirring with my jeep willys 1953 with my directed.

@Copyright Dr iwan s.2010

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Vintage chief of native Mentawai

Vintage Native Mentawai

Mentawai Island Map

Padan mentawai map

Vintage Mentawai Busur& Arrow

[/ caption”]

Native mentawai lemang

Vintage Native Mentawai

Ethnic Mentawai now

Mentawai always smoking

Mentawai Monkey Tobacco Box

Mentawai Monkey Tobacco Box

Hallo Collectors, thankyou for click UCN today
UCN-uniquecollection.wordpress.com Cyber News
@Copyright Dr Iwan S.2010

UCM short show presenting The rare Mentawai Monkey Tobacco Box”
This rare collection made from the special native hard coconut fruit’s cover, the old collection with best patina ,the carving decorations were monkey, Many types of native monkey in Mentawai Island, one of the species with white head like islamic Haji cap, only found in that island.
The Island of mentawai were located along the Hindia-indonesia ocean near West Sumatra beach, consist four small island, mentawai Island, Sipora island, North Pagai and South pagai.
In 1970 I have an academic Malarial research at the North Pagai Island, but the fasility not so good ,the travel became the adventure, I called ‘The Adventure of Dr Iwan S. in Mentawai island 1970’ during that I found this very rare ethnic mentawai monkey tobacco box , look at the original collections , and ‘the adventure of Dr iwan s in mentawai Island’ I write in Indonesialanguague because in english had intalled before at Dr iwan s Travel unique collections.
It is the serial story, after this The adventure of Dr Iwan in Dani valley papua, and The adventure of Dr iwan in East Timor (now Timor Leste). with the special unique collections had found during that travels. Many adventure, like at Dayaks West Borneo, at Banten Girang , Banten lama, Biak Island, and Sorong Papua.
The other adventure of Dr Iwan S Saigon-Hanoi-Phnomphen and Nanning south China ,plesea click Travel Unique Collections.


ADI-Adventure of Dr Iwan S.
@Copyright Dr Iwan S. 2010

Kisah ini saya persembahkan bagi para kolega Dokter Alumnus FKUNAND angkatan 1970 -an ,khususnya Dr Effendi Kamil, Dr B.Kian,dan Dr Injomanoto.serta yunior-yunior yang sudah saya lupa

Pada saat pengumuman adanya suatu misi khusus IMKI -ikatan Mahasiswa kedokteran Indonesia yang dikoordinir oleh alhi parasitolgi, guna mengumpulkan sample ulasan darah diatas preparat guna penelitian jenis malaria di daerah endemik pulau mentawai, yang hampir 90 % menderita penyakit Malaria pada Tahun 1970.
Umumnya sebagia ketua kelompok adalah Drs Med.mahasiswa praktek terakhir (senior Clarkship) di Bagian Penyakit Dalam. Sehingga perjalanan selama dua minggu menyebabkan Co-schaap diperpanjang dua minggu.
Tanpa persiapan dan latihan menghadpi medan lapangan yang cukup berat rombongan berangkat dari pelabuhan Teluk bayur padang, mengunakan Kapal kecil antar pulau, rombongan dibagi dari beberapa tim terdiri ketua Tim (saya sebagai senior sebagai ketua) dan dibantu dua junior tingkat IV dan tingkat III Keokteran. Tim disebarkan pertama di Pulai Sipora (pulau ditengah) , dan kemudian di Pagai Utara dan selatan (kampung Sikakap), akhirnya di Pulau Mentawai (kampung Muara Siberut) .
Saya (Dr Iwan S.) melakukan persiapan, antara lain menukar duit jadi pecahan kecil lima rupiah edisi sukarno warna biru karena rakyat mentawai tidak mengenalpecahan yang lebih besar., tembakau karena rakyat mentawai sangat membutuhkan tembakau sehinnga dapat dijadikan alat tukar, bekal makanan super mie, ikan sardine dalam kaleng, dan sya menambahkan sosis dan alat pemanggang dan bumbu kecap dan jeruk nipis buat ikan panggang karena saat dikapal bisa mancing ikan, sayang saat itu belum ada air mineral aqua, jadi air terpaksa dari air kelapa atau dari penduduk setempat, untuk anti malaria, pil chloroquin dna sulfas quinine, kami juga dibekalkan obat-obatan sederhana, dan saya menyiapkan suntikan sulfas quinine buat Malaria dan antibiotika seadanya.
Sungguh tidak disangka-sangka, rombongan yang cukup banyak, ternyata terdiri dari panitia yang statis di Kampung, sedangkan tim yang menuju medan berat hanya beberapa Tim, tim yang saya pimpin menuju Pagai utara di daerah Silabu ,yang menuju kesana harus menempuh gelombang lautan Hindia yang tinggi lebih kurang duaratus sampai lima ratus meter gelompangnya , ternyata perjalanan ini merupakan suatu perualangan yang sangat tinggi resikonya, tetapi sya sebagai seorang olagragawan yang memiliki fisik dan mental tinggi dapat memimpin pertualangan ini dengan sukses.
pertualangan ini saya kisahkan dalam tiga episode:
(1) Berangkat dari teluk Bayur menuju Pulau Mentawai

Setelah Kapal semangat membunyikan trompet uap kapal tigakali, belum bergerak ternya salah seorang anggota TIM pulau Siberut,pulau paling utara,denga dua desa utara Muara Sikabaluan dan selatan Muara Siberut (lihat illustrasi peta) sudah muntah-muntah hebat . namanya saya masih ingat B.Kian ,rupanya ia belum pernah naik kapal sehingga muntah stress ketakutan, hal serupa pernah terjadi pada putra saya sang Fotografer blog Albert S.dan sang Editor Blog Anton J.S. tidak mau bergerak dan mengigil ketakutan saat waktu masih kecil saya ajak melihat dan naikkapal kecil di Teluk Bayur, mungin mereka jadi takut setelah dengar kisah pertualangan saya ke Pulau mentawai.

Perjalanan naik kapal Semangat, yang terlalu kecil diombang ambing gelombang ombak lautan Hindia yang sangat hebat seperti koboi naik Sapi gila alias rodeo, kemukan-kebelakang, kiri-kanan k, hampir seluruh penumpang yang berjumlah sekitar tiga puluh orang mahasiswa kedokteran meraskan gonjalangan , berbelok ,naik-turun seperti naik jet-coster. hampir seluruh penumpang mabuk berat dan muntah-muntah terutama si B.Kian, muntahnya tambah berat sampai hampir kehilangan banyak cairan ,dan direncanakan ia akan dipindahkan dalam tim di pulau Sipora, pulau di tengah dari kelompok pulau Mentawai yang akan pertamakali mendarat, Kian sangat senang karena penderitaannya segera berakhir, tetapi ternyata senang dahulu sakit kemudian,baca kisah kisah kembali ke Padang dari Mentawai.
Karena tidak memungkin jalan terus kapal Semangat berlindung dan berhenti di antara pulau-pulau kecil didepan Kota Painan, katanya dulu pulau itu pelabuhan kerajaan Indrapura, namanya Pulau Cingkuk.

Keesokan hari selama delapan jam perjalanan sangat nyaman lautan tenang, sunguh indah melihat ikan lumba-lumba mengikuti kapal sambil melompat-lompat rebutan dengan ikan Hiu untuk memakan Ikan Cakalang (di padang disebut Ikan Ambu-ambu) yang kami pancing dengan tali kapal dengan umpan untaian plastik warna-warni, seklai dapat dua atu tiga ikan sekali gus makan plastik warna warni tresbut, sungguh sangat nikmat bertanding menarik ikan-ikan tersebut, walaupun kadang-kadang dijahili teman yang sengaja menari tali pancingan seakan-akan sudah kena ikan, yah ikan-ikan saya bersihkan beri bumbu dan dipanggang dengan alat jepitan yang sudah saya persiahkan, baunya sungguh sedah karena pakai kecap cap Banggo-Udang ( harap pasang reklame di Blog saya,kontak via comment ke Editor, biar kisah pertualangan Dr iwan s lebih bagus,trims), belum matang saja sudah direbut kawan-kawan.
Perjalanan pesiar yang sungguh indah dan menawan hati selama delapan jam adalah kompensasi dari pertualangan selanjutnya yang membawa resiko dan penderitaan, tetapi pepatang minang mengatakan Sengsaro(a) membao(bawa) Nikmat.

Kebahagian saat perjalanan ini diteruskan selama dua hari saat bermalam di Sikakap ,ibukota nagari (Desa) kepulauan Pagai, dimana ada Polsek, saya sempat kenalan dengan Kapolsek namanya Soronggan orang manado,sikapnya seperti penguasa atau raja kecil sehingga dia tidak disenanggi penduduk asli Mentawai (baca kisah setelah kembali dari Mentawai).ertemuan ini saat diperkenalkan dengan Polisi asli mentawai sebagai penunjuk Jalan, nama samaran Sinumbing.
Selama dua hari istirahat tidur didalam kelambu dan pakai obat nyamuk dan selalu sekali seminggu minumobat anti malaria, kerjanya makan durian yang harganya sangat murah lima rupiah per biji, berbagai jenis durian dari yang durinya tumpul sampai panjang, di buka belah dua, dicoba bila tidak enaklantas dibuang ternyata yangpaling enak yang durinya tumpul dengan dasar yang lebar sedangkan yang durinya panjang tak dapt dimakan terlalu tinggi kadar gulanya bisa pusing, jika dimakn penderita kencing Gula pasti langsung semapat dan bila tidak diatas bisa KO alias game jempolkebawah,pasti anda mengerti maksud pulang ke alam baka.
Saya ketemu dengan pastor katolik yang sudah bertugas disana hampir 15 tahun setelah penemu dan pembanggung gereja Katolik pertama di Di Sikakap almarhum pastor Ganizaro yang say kenal waktu kecil yang juga pecinta pertualangan seperti saya, ia sangta senang dengan anak-anak, awas lho katanya banyak pastor yang podophilla alias mbahnya robot gede, ia memberikan kode TOYE, hanya orang-orang yang taal beragama dan disiplin serta membantu gereja yang akan diberitahu, tetapi saya baru tahu setalah dewasa dan berumah tangga ketemu lagi dengan pastor Ganizaro, almarhum pastor Mario yang buka rahasia, katanya hanya yang akan jadi pastor diberi tahu, TOYE salam gaya romawi atau Hitler bagi sesama Pastor atau calon Pastor artiny Tolong Yesus. saya sangat tertarik dengan gaya almarhum pastor Ganizaro yang telah saya jadi petualang dan kumpul benda unik , selurh teman saya jadi pastor kecuali saya,karena without sex I cann’t live normally ARTINYA BUKAN MANIAK tetapi alamiah, karena itu saya himbau kepada Yang Mulia Bapak Paus Benediktus, dari pada banyak kasus , para pastor biasa sebaik diizinkan berkeluarga dengan para suster dengan syarat tidakboleh punya anak,pantang berkala keluarga berencana alami, dan bila punya anak turun status jadi pembantu pastor frater atau diakon, para pastor kolektor harap disampaikan pada paus. jika beliau ACC saya mendaftar pertama jadi pastor awan yang berkeluarga karena setelah melihat sendirikehidupan mereka sungguh berbahagia dapat membantu sesama manusia tanpa beban politik dan pajak tentunya.eeh..eeh jadi ngelantur. Almarum Pastor ganizarolah ydari Italia, yang pertama membangun gereja dipuncak Bukit yang sungguh Indah buat pertama kali kata pastor yang saya ketemu di Sikakap tetapi setalah satuminggu tiap langkah saya maki pastor Ganizaro mengapa buat pastor lain jadi sengsara mendaki dan menuruni bukit tiap hari, saya katakan pada pastor tersebut, bagus olah raga tiaphari, pastorkan kelihatan lebih muda dan sangat sehat, dari pada Pastor Mario yang kerjanya makan enak sampai beratnya lebih seratus kilo kyak si Bigger Looser dari acara TV Halmark (promosi lagi ne yeaa. harap Hallmark contact editor via Comment ya biar impas promosinya, ada mau mebuat acara the Adventure Of Dr Iwan S lengkap dengan kolksi yang ditemukan, saya sangat ingin napak tilas pertualangan ini bila siaran TV yang mau mensponsorinya, bagaimana TV One ,okey please contact editor via comment,pasti tidak akan menyesal membawa saya sebagai guide dan menyempurnakan skenarario kisah pertualangan saya.

Selama dua hari Di Sikakap ,saya pergi kerumah pedatang dari pariaman, orang minang,minta mereka masakin buat saya tiap hari ikan Gurame bakar ,sekali lagi pakai bumbu Kecap cap ….anda sudah saya beritahu….sst nanti dikatakan promosi gratis ni yea !!!.
Sesuai kata pepatah Nikmat membawa Sengsara terjadi saat pertualangan dimulai dari Sikakap ke Silabu,silahkan baca teruuuus sampai tidur.
Nelayan yang isterinya mebuat katering ikan kerapu bakar saya,meminjamkan perahunya dan mengajar saja mengemudikan perahu tersebut menuju pulau kecil dimuara sungai antara Pagai Utara dan selatan guna cari durian runtuh,inilah kemudian menyebabkan say jadi mahir mengemudikan perahu kayak seperti di perlombaan perahu di olimpiade.

(2) Berangkat Dari sikakap menuju Silabu Pagai Utara
(Kisah pertualangan Tim medis ke Silabu Pagai Utara, Dr Iwan S dengan Sjarifudin alias Udin(nama samaran) dan Taufik alias Ufik (nama smaran) serta Polisi penduduk asli mentawai Sinumbing(nama samaran)
Ternyata Polisi asli menawai namakan saja sinumbing, merupakan satu-satunya penduduk asli mentawai yang menjadi polisi, dan masih punya tato, ia dibuang oleh penduduk silabu karena berselingkuh, hati-hati di mentawai jangan ganggu isterinya,bisa dicari sampai dimanapun dan akan dibunuh kecuali sanggup membayar denda 10 ekor babi, sungguh saya ingat betul karena selama pertualangan banyak isteri penduduk asli mentawai yang sangat cantik turunan jerman, katany di Silabu pernah terdampar kapal german dan meerak menetap dan menikah disana, bagaiman tidak cantik turuna eurasia, sebab penduduk mnetawai sendiri seperti peneuduk vientma , lihatlah fotonya dalm blog saya Vietnam War collection, ada teman yang nganggu isteri penduduk asli mentawai sehingga terpaksa menikah. Sebaliknya bila tidak menikah penduduk asli silabu menganut kebudayaan free sex, yang dikenal dengan kebudayaan ngangau, pada bulan purna sepasang muda mudi silabu pergi kepualu kecil dengan perahu untuk menangkap kepiting dan biasanya mereka dalam taraf berpacaran dan free sex asal suka sama suka. Makanya hati-hati bila para lolektor kesana, karena umumnya mereka menderita Malaria saat saya bertualang ke sana tahun 1970, tetapi saat ini tentu sudah banyak perubahan. Selain itu mereka mempunyai kebudayaan makan ikan mentah, seorang penduduk asli mentawai pernah memakan ikan koki peliharaan para pastor mentah-mentah sehingga pastor jadi sewot dibuatnya.
Setelah menelusuri selat diantara Pagai utara dan selatan yang tidak begitu lebar, sungguh pagi itu sangat indah sekali, perjalanan selama 12 jam, diisi sambih mancing ikan, tetapi begitu keluar ke Lautan Hindia, yang gelombangnya setinggi 20 sampai 50 meter, benar-benar terasa manusia ini tak ada artinya, seperti sabuk kelapa diombang ambilnaik turun, untuk tim saya Sjaefudin dan Taufik serta sang Polisi sinumbing bersama saat sudah pengalaman naik kapal sehingga tidak mabuk tetapi sulit untuk tidur, tetapi yang penting jangan berkurung diruang pengap sebab udara segar perlu guna menghindari bau olie dan solar yang dapat menimbulkan mual, jam tiga pagi kapal berhenti disebuah pulau kecil didepan daratn, sempat tidur pulas tiga jam.
Jam 6 pagi cuata sabngat cerah, tetapi permasalahn dimulai, karena untuk mendarat ke pulau tak ada pelabuhan , perlu naik sekoci kecil tanpaimbangan selama setengah jam menembuh gelombang ombaklaut yang cukup lumayan besar sehingga sekoci terumbang ambing dan bila tidak dapat mengimbanginya bisa tercenur ke laut , aduh takut disambar ikan hiu. Saya terpaksa berbaring diatas perahu sekoci takut jatuh, sampai dtertawakan teman-teman, peduli amat, mereka bergaya hebat duduk tanpa imbangan akhirnya tercebur ke Laut, pengalaman ini saya ulangilagi saat pertualangan ke Sorong dan pulau biak tetapi disana pakai speed boat bukan perahu dayung, sang sekoci menginggatkan saya pada film tengelamnya Kapal Titanic.
Sampai didarat ternyata bukan di Silabu, tetapi didesa kecil tak tahu saya namanya apa, dipantai barat Pagai selatan, rupanya Kapal Semangat membawa barang-barang dagangan pedatang dari Jawa, disana saya ketemu dengan Putri Java dengan ibu Mentawai, benar-benar cantik, tetapi saya ingat pesan Polisi mentawai siNumbing jangan ganggu cewek mentawai, rupanya siputi cantik sangat kesepian, belum pernah ketemu dokter, saat itu saya sudah hampir selesai pendidikan, jadi diberikan titel dokter muda, ia mengelum selalu sakit perut dan kepala, saya mngerti ia stress, untunglah iman saya cukup kuat sehingga tak terjadilah kisah yang merugikan kedua belah pihak, tetapi sungguh saya terima kasih kepad ayang maha kuasa karena pernah menyaksikan keindahan ciptaannya jauh dipelosok Pagai Selatan, setelah muatan turun dan say memberikan pengobatan kepada beberapa orang yang menderita Malaria, perjalanan dilanjutkan lagi langsung menuju SIlabu, hey Silbau here I come !!!
Perjalanan menempul gelombang yang sangat tinggi 200-500 meter bergelombang, naik turun laksana dari tingkat 25 turun melesat ke lantai 15 atau satu membuat perut rasanya kayak kosong keesedot anginnya, terpaksa badan diikat pada tiang kapal agar tidak jatuh, tetapi awak kapal enak saja memancing ikan tengiri raksaa ukuranya sampai 3 meter, menariknya ramai-ramai, dekat kapal dibacok dulu pakai parang baru sampai game nyawanya, baru diangkat, dan pesta ikan panggang dimulai lagi, pengalaman ini sungguh menakutkan saya, belum jadi dokter benar sudah lenyap sungguh malang, makanya saya tidak menunggu Kapal semanggat untuk kembali ke sikakap, saya lebih menunggu jalan kaki saja menembus hutan dengan bantuan jalan setapak, untungnya disana tidak ada binatang buas seperti Harimau dan gunung inggi tidak ada hanya bukit yang rendah,tetapi menurut penduduk asli kata sangat tinggi ternyata tidak, mungkin mereka belumpernah melihat gunung yang benar-benar tinggi.

Setelah menempuh gelong alutan Hindia,akhirnya jam 4 sore tibahlah disebuah pulau kecil didepan Silabu, sungguh pengalaman yang menakjubkan karena ratusan perahu dengan teriakan HU HU
Hua Hua Hu wowo uW!!! sperti dalam film perang Indian saja, saya dan rombongan dijemput kayak raja-raja kecil saja, diklungi bungga oleh putri mentawai yang cantik no bra ,hany pakai sarung saja , mereka sangat gembira karena katanya belum pernah dokter datang ke Silabu, Dr Iwan S adalah dokter muda pertamamenginjak kaki di Silabu, dijemput kepala nagari(desa) Silabut pensiunan sersan Marinir ,penduduk asli Silabu yang isterinya sepertu indo bule turunan Jerman, begitu juga dua orang putrinya yang mengalungi bungga pada saya. Secara singkat dengan seremonial adat saya didoakan agar selamat dan sehat dalam kunjungan, selanjutnya iringan perahu dengan teriakan-teriakan dan tiupan trompet kerang sungguh menakjubkan, kurang lebih lima belasmenit tibalah kami di desa silabu yang cukup bersih lenhkap dengan kantor desa dan sekolah.
Malam hari saya mengadakan ceramah kesehatan dikantor kepalanagari, ramai pesertanya, kata-kata saya diterjemahkan oleh kepala desa kedalam bahsa asli Mentawai, banyak kata Baga saya dengar begitu juga Utek, setelah saya tanyakan kepada putrinya kepala desa , ia mengatakan Baga artinya perut, tetapi sebagia idiom manuju Baga arti masuk surga, baga lambang kesehatan, kehormatan.kedamaian dan sebaginya utek arti nya kepala atau pikiran, dan sebeu artinya besar.

Malam hari , setalh memasang obat nyamuk,langsung kelambu dipasang di ruangan kamarnya kepala desk betul saya sangat dihormati, diruangan itu juga tidur kedua putri kepala desa yang cantik-cantik, tapi saya ingat nasehat sinumbing jangan berselingkuh, kedua putri tertawa cekikikan melihat kelambu saya, mereka mengatakan layar perahu terkembang, silahkan berangkat kealam mimpi. Saya tidak mengerti maksudnya, kata polisi mentawai itu tawaran buat saya agar berlayar bersamanya ke Pulau untuk mengangau, tangkap kepiting sambil free seks, pantas sambil senyum-senyum, kepala desa sangat menghormati saya senhingga kat sinumbing, Dr iwan mau diambil mantu, ala mak Oh Mother saya tidak akan menikah dengan putri rimba. Kata sinumbing apabila saja jawab mari kita menganggau,pasti malamnya sang putri akan pindah tidur dikelambu saya, pantas lampun minyak dimatikan (saat itu listrik belum ada), tapi kata sinumbing mereka dua orang Putri bila saya bercinta dengan slah satu saja pasti yang lainnya akan ribut, makanya akan digilir, bilasaya tak berkenan mereka tidak marah, katanya belum nasib bersuamikan dokter.
Kebudayaan mereka mengisap rokok sangat kuat, katanya buat mengusir nyamuk malaria, rokok merk Escort, dan lebih bnayak melinting tembakau, tembakau selalu dibawa dalam bambu kelapa kecil yang keras dengan ukiran kera, saya dihadiahkan salah satu kotak tembakau antik katanya kepunyaan nenek moyang agar perjalan selamat, lihatlah illustrasi koleksi magis kotak tembakau dekorasi monyet tersebut, rokok dan tembakau dalam bahasa mentawai disebut Ubek arti obat anti nyamuk, setelah melihat obat nyamuk yang say pakai mereka pada rebutan meminta tukar, jadi saya tukar dengan busur dan panah lama, lihat illustrasinya.

Setelah memberikan pengobatan di rumah kepala desa dan selamat menghadapi berbagai cobaan dari putri rimba yang cantik, keesokan harinya saya tidak mau lagi mengikuti Kapal Semangat, sungguh benar ramalan saya ternyata kapal itu tenggelam selamalamnya kedasar laut Hindia. awalnya dicoba naik perahu ditepi pulau ternyata gelombangnya tinggi, makaya saya sebagai pemimpin rombongan memutuskan jalah kaki saja, kami diberikan penunjuk jalan dan bekal lemang pulut dengan ikan dalam bambu, lemang kata orang Minang (lihat illustrasi), ternyata jaraknya tidak terllau jauh dan relatif datar dalam 4 jam sampai ke desa yang sangat kecil dan primitive, seluruhnya penduduk hanya pakai celana atau sarung saja alias telda-telanjang dada-no bra, ala mak Taufik yang amsih muda kelihatan tertarik pada putri rimba, saya nasehatkan supaya hati-hati, katanya saya hanya ingin menikmati keindahan ciptaan Tuhan saja. Sungguh mengherankanan penunjuk jalan suku asli mentawai dari silabu tidak ku njung datang, sedangkan lemang bekal ada padanya, menurut pendeta protestan didesa tersebut , penduduk asli silabu saat ini sedang ada konflik dengan dpenduduk asli Pagai didesa ini, karena itu penunjuk jalan setelah kai tiba , langsung cabut pulang, sayang saya tidak sempat makan lemang menrawai asli, tetapi kemudian didesa ini dibuatkan lemang khusus isinya pulut dengan ikan kecil ditambah bumbu, rasanya seperti nasi Tim enak juga apalagi dimakan dengan sosis bakar yang saya bawa dari Padang.
Pemeriksaan kesehatan segera dilakukan berupa pengambil sedian ulasan darah untuk pemeriksaan jenis Plasmodium malaria, pemeriksaan fisik kedokteran dan pemberian obat, seluruhnya dilaksanakan di dalm gereja rpotestan satu-satu ruangan yang besra disana, karena topless acara pemeriksaan fisik berjalan lancar karena tak perlu lagi buka baju sudah open bar kata Belanda, mereka berbaris didepan saya, tetapi khusus untuk yang sudah berkeluarga, tidak boleh dipegang, jadi saya minta mereka menaruhkan stethoskkop didadany, mereka merasa geli-geli sambil tertawa cekikikan, terutama bila pemeriksaan disekitar area sensitif aduh selamat lagi dari cobaan.
malamnya hari hujan snagat lebat, pagi-pagi kata pendeta protestan , Bapak dokter tidak mungkinmelanjutkan perjalanan , air sungai banjir, tetapi setelah saya check hanya setinggi leher, rupanya orang mentawai yang posturnya pendek sudah terbenam begitu juga taufik , ia takut tenggelam tak mampu berenang katanya, biar saya tunggu hujan berhenti nati diantar pakai perahu. Saya,sjaefuddin dan sinumbing tetap bergerak karena takut terlambat kembali ke Sikakap takut ditinggalkan kapal yang katanya hanya satu kali sebulan trayeknya. Setelah menempuh hujan dan banjir sekitar satu jam, tenyata hujan berhenti dan perjalanan dilanjutkan selama empat jalam tanpa banjir, sampailah ke des kecil berikutnya yang kondisinya hampir sama.
Segera kami mandi disungai, tetapi saya sebagi dokter sudah disiapkan air dirumah kepala desa oleh putri rimba, tetapi saya tetap teguh imannya ,tak mempan digoda buant menganggau, tiba-tiba putri rimba lari kencang akrena dipanggil temannya, apa yang terjadi, saya dengar saja mereka cekikan katanya Uteknya Sebeu- and pasti mengerti maksudnya, utek siapa ternyata Uteknya Sjaefuddin yang mandi disungai diintippara putri rimba, Sjaefuddin memang terkenal dengan aparatnya yang king size.

Selanjutnya saya melakukan pemeriksaan kesehatan dengan cara yang sama seprti di deesa sebelumnya , dan akhirnya Taufik tiba naik perahu diatar kepala desa dijemput,memang nyalinya masih kecil maklum masih sangat muda atau mau lihat putri Rimba siapa tahu tanyakan sendiri pada taufik.
malamnya saya memeriksa pasien dengan Kanker Hati yang dalam keaadaan coma hepaticum, sehingga saya katakan doakan saja tidak ada upaya medis, peralatan tak ada,jadi mereka mengadakan upacara adat untuk penyembuhan dengan sesajen Babi, tapi paginya saat kami mulai menuju desa terakhir sebelum tiba di sikakap , pasien tersebut meninggal dunia.sehingga saya sempat melihat upacara pemakaman.

menuju desa terakhir hari kelima pertualangan,mendaki bkiu dan lembah dengan jembatan sebuah batang kelapa, sungguh mengerikan , untuk keamanan saya merangkak diatas jembatan primitif yang sangat licin tersebut yang buat orang mentawai tiga kali lompatan sampai diseberang, mereka tertawa sambil berteriak dalam bahasa mereka, aduh say sudah lupa katanya,waktu sampai kedesa berikut saya tanyakan artinya,mereka tertawa sambil berbisikkatanya Bapak Beruk Besar , karena saya menyebrang jembatan seperti beruk.
Di desa terakhir terjadi kegiatan kesehatan yang sama, tetapi timbul permasalahan karena dari Desa tersebut ke sikakap tidak ada jalan rimba lagi, tetapi harus naik perahu mnelusuri sungai sampai di selat antara Pagai Utara dan Selatan, setelah itu baru menelususi selat ke sikakap, mereka takut katanya gelombang besar, saya katakan tidak, kemudian saya baru mnegrti ternyata mereka belum pernah ke Sikakap dan takut ditangkap Kapolsek sorongan, sinumbing jadi marah, langsung menembak keatas tiga kali memaksa mereka untuk mendayung perahu tetapi tetap tidak mau, untungkah tiba-tiba anak putri kepala desa mendapat serangan Demam Malaria, saya membuat perjanjian apabila dalam 15 menit putrinya sembuh setelh disuntik dan diberikan obat , Kepala desa sendiri dan ankanya akan mengantar saya ke Sikakap sambil berbisik kalau sehat bapa dokter boleh ….dengan anka saya,lagi-lagi tawaran gila,kuatkan imam hamba oh yang mahakuasa doa saya ternyata ad berkahnya, sang putri rimba yangcantik jelita sembuh setelah diobati, maka kepala desa dengan putranya mengantar kami ke siKakap sampai selamat satu hari sebelum kapal berangkat.
Selama perjalanan menelusiri sungai kecil, sinumbil selalu menembak keatas meminta durian dari penduduk, dasar Polisi rimba, say diamkan saja sambil mkan duren, tetapi saat keluar keselat, kepala desa dan anak gentar sebab belum pengalaman, saya kata biar kami yang mengayuh perahu bapak yang mengemudikan, tetapi tetap diam saja, dasar Mentawai kata saya dalam hati pasti minta upah nih, langsung saya berikan satu pak ubek alias tembakau, tiba-tiba semangatnya muncul dan eprjalanan hampir enam jam dengan beberapa kali tambah bonus tembakau akhirnya sampailah kami ke Sikakap,disambut Kapolsek Sorongan dan teman-teman, ternyata 90 % rombongan tetap di Sikakap saja , yang ke rimba hanya Dr Iwan S dan Dr Effebdi kamil saja di Pagai. sungguh teman-teman saya keterlaluan,mereka menjebak kami dengan hanya ramai mengatar kami bertualang, dan saat pulang berlagak seperti pahlawan.

(3) Kisah perjalan Kembali dari mentawai
Tim Sikakap hampir saja meninggalkan satu tim yaitu Tim Dr Effendi kamil karena sudah hampir berangkat kapal Semangat telah membunyikan tiup-tiup sampai dua kali tinggal satu kali lagi, tiba-tiba kedengaran bunyi trompet dari kerang beberapakali dari jauh kelihatan perahu tim Dr Effendi Kamil melambaikan bendera dari kaus oblong, ternyata merekan terlambat karena ada masalahadat disana yang memerlukan suatu upacara adat dengan hidangan daging rusa, saya kebagian juga dendeng rusa yang sangat lezat(halo Dr Effendi Kamil, sekarang sudah pensiun di Padang,dengan keahlian akupuntur medis dan dagang makanan sehat berenergik, Dr effendi kirimkan kisah anda via Comment, apa trompet Kerangnya masih ada? salam dari Dr Iwan S)
Rombongan yang paling akhir kembali ke Padang ternyata adlah rombongan yang pertama kali tiba di mantawai, tim Pulau sikakap karena kapal Semangat dan kapal lainnya tidak dapat ke sikakap akibat tidak ada muatan dagang dan penumpang ke sipora, hampir satu bulan tim menunggu sampai habis perbekalannya dan terpaksa makan sagu dan ikan-ikan kecil, tetapi walaupun Senang dahulu sakit kemudian . Tim Sipora termasuk B.Kian kembali ke padang setelah dijemput oleh Marinir dengan kapal landing yang guncangannya pasti lumayan hebat, B.Kian pasti mabuk berat kalu tak percaya mari kita tanya pada yang bersangkutan (Kian nama asli yang kemudian pasti sudah diIndonesiakan , saat ini Dr pensiunan Kanwil Kes Sumbar, sudah menikah denga T.lioe, bila baca kisah ini harap kirim informasi via comment)

(4) Kisah setelah pulang dari pertulangan mentawai
Kisah Pembunuhan kapolse Sikakap oleh penduduk asli mentawai dan bertemu kembali dengan polisi penduduk asli mentawai sikompis(nama samaran)
Sekembalinya saya ke padang, seminggu kemudian terjadi peristiwa tragis kapolsek sikakap Isnpektur sorongan, di tarik oleh penduduk asli mentawai yang berasal did aerah Pagai Selatan yang pernah saya kunjungi sebelum ke Silabu di pagai Utara, dan dibenamkan sampai meninggal dunia diselat sikakap.
Saat sidang, saya melihat 25 orang penduduk asli pagai selatan sebagai terdakwa, dan sksinya Polisi guide saya sinumbing, sunggauh berbahgia ketemu lagi dengannya, menurut sinumbing Inspektur Sorongan menjita duapuluh ekor Babi milik pendudk asli Pagai selatan dengan alasan berkeliaran merusak kebun, mereka marah besar, dengan upacar adat mereka menyerang Kapolsek Sorongan, semula diajak beruding dipinggir sungai, tiba-tiba muncul 25 orang Pagai yang datang dengan menyelam, meraik Isnpektor Sorongan kedalam sungai atau selat anatar pagai Utara dan pagai selatan, dibawa menyelam sampai meninggal, Sinumbing dan polisi lain tidak dapat menolong,orang pagai mengatakan Inspektor sorongan ditarik Buaya, sayang say tidak mengikuti lebih lanjut persidangan kasus tersebut karena harus melanjutkan praktek kerja di Rumah sakit, setahun kemudian saya lulus dan dilantik menjadi dokter benaran.
Selama bertugas sebagai seorang tenaga Medis, kegiatan pertualangan tetapdilaksanakan sambil mengumpulkan koleksi Unik, smapai setelah pensiun, Silahkan Membaca kisah pertualanagn Dr Iwan s.lebih lanjut.
Hallo Dutch Revenue Collectors, to find info and illustrations of Ned.Indie( Dutch East Indie) rare ravenue, please click The Dutch East Indie Revenue Collections, I suggest also click UCM or UCN The Dai Nippon Administration Java Today, and The Indonesia Independence War Collections because many very rare DEI (NED.INDIE) revenue and Stamps with Dai Nippon and Rep.Indonesia overprint still used during that period that never reported with the original revenue on document. please send my greeting to Mr Voose, Mr Bulterman ,Mr Ramkema and Mr Joop Boon the Dutch Expert of DEI ,Dai Nippon and Rep.Indonesia revenue in The Dai Nippon club Mederlands, they have ever meet me or I have contacte them via letter,some of my collections wereillustrated in their Catalogue, I hope their new catalogue will put my name as the provenance of the rare collection which illustrated in their Catalogue, before Iasked Mr Bulterman didnot put my name due to the political situation but now Indonesia became more democratic no political problem anymore, especially Mr Voose too.

UCM have installed 100 % FAB’ The rare Mark twain’s Tom Sawyer Books” and RCD’The Rare Ming Imperial Chrysanthemum ceramic”, and tomorow will installed FAB’ The Vintage Defoe’s Robinson crusoe’, and ‘ FAB’The Vintage Painters Affandi Book’.

attention, the installed still in processing, will finished at April 6th at night, please be patient. slowly but sure. Sabar Kasihan Tuhan.
@copyright Dr Iwan S.2010

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King Pontianak Syarif M.Alkadrie

King Pontianak sign and Stamped

Emblem of old Borneo Mao

old Sambas Map

Sukadana Old map

King Pontianak M.Alkadrie

King Sy Idrus Tomb

King Kubu Sy Idrus

Governor Sarawak Otman

King Kubu Sy Idrus

King Ngabang A.Hamid

King Landak Abdulrani

Sambas Palace Map

Dragon Jar monterado

Monterado Map

Chinese at Monterado

Sambas Map

King Tsafioedin Sambas

Kingdom Sambas Palace

Mempawa Map

King M.Thaufic.A Sign

Panembahan Mempawa stamped

Kingdom Mempawa canon

Kingdom Mempawa tomb

Kingdom Mempawa Palace

The Last Tanjungpura King

Canon of King Matan

King Tomb Complex

King Tanjungpura tomb

King Busrah Tomb

Mulia Kerta tomb

Matan Palace 1960

T.pura Matan Palace

West Borneo now

Matan Pawan river

Sukadana and Karimata

Ancient West Borneo

UCM-Uniquecollection wordpress.com CybeMuseum
with proud presenting the first report of Dr Iwan S.
Travelling unique collection around the West Borneo
forgotting Kingdom during 1990-1994.
@copyright Dr Iwan S.2010.


1. The story of Dr Iwan S travelling
My first visit to the Kingdom of Tanjung Pura-Matan, in 1994 on my official duty with the Wesr Borneo National Police Commander in chief the balinese Police Colonel ,later became General for National family Planning promotions, Because not road connected between Pontianal (the Capital of West Borneo or KALBAR, we must take small ship or small aircraft of Dast airways with only seven passenger added pilot and co pilot, many new Police commander didnot like the small ship because when came in Ketapang city port very bigger South China ocean wave-everybody will mortionsicknes and vomit, but i like this trip because more danger by small aircraft because many drop and broken int pieces. I have seen the passenger were broken backbone vetebrae sacralis after the small aircraft falling dwn tho earth due to the air turnulent, he became impotent and incontinence urine-urination without himself control.
the first time flying with this small craft I am very afraid, and written a testament for my family, but the Police Commander in Chief Mr Bagong, said in Joke but i think he also afraid ‘ Very Happy falling down with Physician and he think I have the magic power because I have gave him the spiritual medical care during he have the diare only infuse and one tablet three time a day and oke, ‘ I replied to him ‘ Pak Bagong will be the General rank in anumerta” then Pak Bagong said seriuosly :’ we cannot falling down because Dr Iwan have the magic power ha! ha! ha!.The small plane very difficult to up from the grown, the machine roar sound like the old man pulling a bigger bag, but very slow we up until 3 meter upper the coconut tree, flying very slowly, when the wheater raining I am very afraid but still in mind I think the good mission always help by the God, at least only 15 minute we arrived at Ketapang city air port , this is the second visit, after retired I visit Ketapang by fast boat eight hours two times in 2002 and 2003 to seeking information and collections related to the tandungpura and matan Kingdom, some rare artifact Yuan imperial ceramic collection were fund around this Kingdom area belong of the local collectors, but during my visit not many found anymore because Mr Aboeridho from national Museum have bought all in 1985, and put in the Central Museum jakarta. After several times visit , I found same interesting collections from in memoriam Mr A Beng, pity he is passed away in 1998, and we didnot know where he found the rare artifact anymore ,sme ne told me he found at the small river at Karimata island in the front of Sukadana. I have ever go to sukadana by road , but didnot visit Kharimata and maya island because the bigger ocean weaving very danger to visit this Island by traditinal boat from sukadana.
From Ketapang city with best Road across the pawan river, we arrive about 15 menit to the Kingdom of matan very small castle, but to visit the ancient Kingdom of Tanjung Pura ,only the tomb of The King still exist made by hard wooden (look at the riginal Photo) we must used the traditional boat name ketek because the sound of Diesel Mechine Ketek ketek, take 2 hours to came there, the legend said every West Borneo or Borneo leaders must Suwon or asked permission the Tanjungpura’s King with give honor to their tomb, Pak Bagong didnot visit this tomb,and some traditinal people said that is why he didnot became General, but I visit the Tomb still didnot became General, I Think that legend not true, t became a General depand on the Situation, during my duty only one General of health department, now three General that is why all my Officer below me have became General. If I am the General, very difficult for me to built the uniquecollection blog because very strictly General code forbidden to write because his informations very strictly cntrol by the people, like now the Commisioner General Susno Duaji informatin have made him be trouble in law. hallo my General Friend , General Dr Budi Siswanto and Gen. Dr Mosadeq congratulations to up the rank Brigadir General but you must be carefull to give the informations.

2. The Chronologic Historic collections
The King of Baparung was died, and his son Karang Tunjung ascended the throne. Karang Tunjung like to sleep n the leave of Tunjung Flowers, He was very famous because his magic pwer(sakti) , that is why his name The King of Karang Tunjung, and later became Tanjung Pura (the palace temple called Pura),

(2) 1501
The King Karang Tunjung was died in 1501, Panembahan Kalahirang ascended the throne. The kingdom from Tanjung Datuk at North and Tanjung Puting in the south, estren border with Sintang and westren border at Karimata island. almost all the province of West Borneo now.

(3) 1502
The Panembahan Bandala ascended the throne of Tanjungpura Kingdom and became the Maritime Kingdom, with their bigger ship had sailed to Banjarmasin and Brunei.

(4) 1538
Panembahan Bandala was died, and Panemahan Dibarokah (before Sibiring Manbal) ascended the throne until 1550, because the son of Bandala Giri Kusuma still young child,

(5) 1550
After Giri Kusuma adult, he ascended the throne in this year.
The King Panembahan Giri merried the prince fromlandak kngidom
Ratu Mas (Gold Queen) Jaintan.
During King Giri, arrived at Sukadana Islamic Syech Husin , starting from this time TanjungPura sukadana Kigdom became Islam. Sjech Husin merried with the daughter of King Giri brother(sepupu) and they have a son Syarif Hassan.The King Giri Kusuma pointed Syarif Hassa as the crown prince.
After King Giri died, The Queen Mas jaitan ascended the throne with title The Queen of Sukadana because the prince crown Syarif Hassan still young children.

(5) 16th Century during The Kingdom of Majapahit.
(a) The Prince Prabu Jaya, The king of Mojopahit’s son had came to West Borneo . The Price of Majapahit married Junjung Buih and built the Tanjung Pura Kingdom, this Kingdom always move and changed the name first located at Kuala Kandang Kerbau, then move to Sukadana and became the kindom of Sukadana, after that became the area of the King Akil from Siak Indragiri middle sumatra.
Although the Tandjungpura Kingdom alway moved and hange name but still exist , and the prince Agung built new Kindom The Kingdom of Simpang with the same capital name), and least the kingdom became the Kindom of Matan.
(read the Ancient Travel Unique Collection, General Ike Mase cs soldier of dinasty yuan emperor Kublaikan punish Java Kingdom singosari due to tatoism the China envoy Mingse, but Raden widjaya ,the son in law of kertanegara have made fooled and attack the Mongol armies, the runhome via Tuban, some general escape to West Borneo, that is why the Imperial ceramic artifact culd found at West Borneo near the place where the mongol stayed. I have also found the artifact of Buddha (only artifact of head and ear ,look at the ear of Buddha Mojopahit eather ware artifact)
(b) The folklore (The people story) of prices Junjung Buih
Junjung Buih was the nonmerried daugter of Bujang Bengkung and Dara Dondang, that is why they was put at the bigger plate on the traditional Rakit made by the Banana tree like Musa was bring in the river and at least arrive at Pawan river (near the Kingdomf Matan Palace) , Rangga Sentap have met her and he made her as his own children, and one day Prabu Jaya asked the permissin from Ranga Sentap to merried Junjung Buih. Prabu Jaya was the older King of Mojpahit, asking the future teller (tukang Ramal)
who will the best next King of Mojopahit, and the frtune teller pointed the younger son Prabu Jaya, that made his older brothet angry, and they used black magic and they give poison in the Prabu Jaya food , after eating the poison food, Prabu jaya bodies became pruritus and became bleeding after eching the skin, the King of Mojopahit help him with the traditional physician (dukun) but the skin diseses very difficult to cure and all the people became afraid. The Prabu Jaya was put on the ship at the java sea, and he move by the airflow until arrive at Kuala Kandanfg kerbau West Brne , and Prabu Jaya staying there , and when he mwalking n the back of crocodile in the river and became patin fish which linking his body and the skin disease were cure and he became a healthyman.
One day during Prabu Jaya fishing in the river, he found a Gold box with a long hair inside it, he think this hair belong to the very pretty women, that is why he shipping on the river until arrived at the Rangga Sontap House, very difficult to came there because to many bakung flower there, he order his soldier to cameback to Majapahit kingdom of java asked for helped and they succeed to passed the Bakung flower with the magic boat.
Dayang Putung , that time had the same skin diseases like Prabu Jaya. Prabu Jaya asking the patin fish to cure Junjung Buih , after junjung Buih have healthy, the name of Dayang Putung was changed to Junjung Buih , after that Prabu Jaya asked permission to jungjung biuh’s father to merried his daughter.
The son of Prabu Jaya and Junjung Buih, were Pangeran Prabu with title the King of Baparung, who built the kingdom city of Sukadana, Gusti Likar have made the kingdom of Meliau, and Prince Mancar , the chief of area in the Kingdom of Tayan.
(6) 1604
The VOC- Dutch East Company came to sukadana for trading gold , and after that there was the Battle of sukadana between VOC and The Kingdom of Tanjungpura Sukadana, The queen was arrest by VOC., and VOC pointed Air Mala or Male became the King of TanjungPura.

(7) 1622
Sultan Aliudin or Sultan muhammad Syaefuddinascended the throne and during this time Baureksa, the chief of Kendal,attack the kingdom of Tanjungpura with the mataram kingdom expedition.

(8) 1659
Sultan Muhammad Syafeiuddin was died and Sultan Zainuddin ascended the throne. he have two son from Queen Nyaik Kendi, Price Mangkurat with title Sultan Dirilaga with the Kingdm at Indralaya and Prince Ratu Agung.
During Sultan Mumammad Syaefuddin have friendly communications with Sultan Brunei and sultan Sulaiman of Johor Kingdom .
Prince Agung didnt satified as the compagn in his Brother government , he want to be the king, and he made the brotherhd war. The son in law of Price Agung, Tuan Haji HUfas and Daeng Mataku attack the Palace and coup d’etat , all the Palace had under his power, he pointed his son in law as the commander in chief of Tandjungpura army and the Sultan Moh. Zainuddin with all his family was arresy and fled to Bandjarmasin. At the same time The king of Minangkabau attack the kingdom of Johor, but not succees because the King of Bugis soldier command by Upu daeng Menambon help Johor.Daeng Menambob with the Bugis soldier also attack Price Agung soldier ,but didnot succeed.
After sultan Muhammad Syaefuddin arrived at Banjarmasin, and asked Daeng Menambon for help him, and they came back to attack the prince agung soldier .
After arrive at Kuala Kandang Kerbau, Upu Daeng Menambon met the beautiful princes Kusumba and he fall in love , he asked permission to merry her to her father Sultan Muhammad Syaefudin , and he aggreed, the wedding were go on.
After Dae manambon merried the Sultan Muhammad Syaeifudin daugters, he starting to attack the Prince Agung soldier, before the war begun, there was the meeting between daeng menambn with the son inlow of prince Agung, Daeng Menambon didnt war the brtherhood war , he asked the son in law of prince Agung fled from Tanjungpura and the two son in law of prince Agung led to Riau with the johor soldie.
Upu Daeng mentambon with his soldier attack the tandjungpura palace and aksed Price Agung to surrender and he told that his sn in Law had leaving, and the prince Agung was arrest by Upu Daeng menambon and he had led to Kuala kandang kerbau.
After arrest Prince Agung, Upu Daeng Menambo went to Joho for helping the Kingdom of Johor war against the kingdom of minangkabau.

(7) 1722
Upu Daeng Menambon cameback to Tanjungpura via Sambas, and he help to made the peace between the son of sultan zainuddin because they have quarell to find the throne , and Upu Daeng Menambon have given the title from Sultan as the Prince Emas Surya Negara (the Golden Sun state)
when the king of Mempawah died , Sultan Zainuddin pointed Upu Daeng Menambon as the King of Mempawa. and Pangeran Mangkurat became the Sultan f Indralaya, Price Agung Martadipura as the sultan of kartapura(rad sand) , and Prince Ratu Agung as Panembahan of Simpang (1735)

The Sukadana city were empty.

Sultan Mohammad zainuddin was died in 1728 at Indralaya and the Prince Mangkurat ascended the throne with title Sultan Dirilaga.

(10) 1750
Syarif Husein Al-Qadri leaving tanjungpura in 1750 tomempawa beacuse the quarel about the punishment of the ship captain which have Zinah (nonmarital make love).

The kingdom of Tanjungpura move to Sijenguk (red sand0 at the Pawan river , and still there until 1829.

The DUtch army command by C.Muller arrived ar Sukadana with the king Akil the grandson of Siak sriindrapura Kingdom. Several attack of Dutch sldier didnot succeeded , and at least price Gusti Mursal surrender and Sultan zainuddin or Prince Iradilaga fled to Martalaya and Prince Cakra Negara fled to Kendawangan. Prince Jaya Negara fled to Tanah Pinuh and then to Nanga Tayap, Sanggau.
Sultan Mohammad Zainuddin II was died at the ex Tanjungpura city, and his tomb was fund there.

(13) 1827
Tengku Akil arrived under the command of Dutch Company

(14) 1876
After the King of Tanjung Pura died. the govenrment under Pangeran Perdana Menteri (Prince Prime Menistry) and Haji Mohamad Sabran have pointed as the king of Tanjungpura and move to Mulia Kerta in 1876′
Panemahan Haji Sabran pinted his son Panembahan Saunan as the care taker King during Prince mas study ut f the country.

(15) 1924
After cameback home Prince Mas ascended the thrne with title Panembahan Saunan. the King have rebuilded the palace in the modren form (still exist this day I have ever visit the palace near the Pawan River)

(16) 1943
The King Saunan was arrest by the Dai Nippn soldier, there was the legend that when the Dai Nippon want to kill him,he was disappeared.

(17) 1945-1946
Three Prince have pinted to administrated the Kingdom of Tanjungpura-Matan :
(a) Uti Halil as the Prince Mangkunegara
(b) Uti Aplah as the Prince Adipati
(c) Uti Kencana as Anom Laksamana.
At least MPKM joined in the Federal Swapradja of West Sumatra state.

Sukadana was the capital of Tanjungpura Kingdom
2. 1600
VOC-Dutch East Indie Company first landed at Sukadana
The King of Mataram order Tumengung Bahureksa of Kendal to attack Sukadana, and the Pricess of Sukadana was taken to Java (read Tanjungpura Kingdom above) during this time the King f Tanjungpura Sultan Muhammad Syaefuddin move to Matan.
4. 1669
The Islamic Kingdom of Makassar was falling down, and this situation were made a bad effect to the Kingdom of Tandjung Pura, because the Kingdom of Makassar had always protected Tanjungpura (read the Kindom Tanjunhgpura above), and at least the kingdom of Tanjungpura leaving Sukadana city.
5 1700
The conflict between the Kingdom of landak and the kingdom of Sukadana due to the Daimond area The King lake(danau Raja) Ubi Diamond Kobi (Intan Ubi)
The King of Landak asked The King of Bantam to help him , one expedition form Bantam arrived at Sukadana for potected the englishman expatriat at Sukadana. During this time Bantam was attacked by the VOC.The King of Sukadana-Sultan zainuddin surrendea nd fled to Waringin city.At this city he asked the Bugisman frm Bandjarmasin and cameback to Sukadana, and the Bantam soldier didnot protect Sukadana anymore, and Sultan Zainnudin had his authority and powers again at Sukadana.
6. 1724-1784
Sukadana was the empy city beacause The Kingdom of Tanjungpura leave that city, and during 100 years the empty city withouth governement was used the Bajaklaut(Sea Hijeck) as their nest (Sarang lanun) althouh the people (citizen) still leave there.
the king Ratu Agung ascended the throne from The kingdom of Simpang .
Sultan Ahmad Kamaluddin gave her brother the north of Sukadana area, whe he made The Kingdom of Simpang (small kingdom).
During the King Sultan Akhmad Kamaludin ascended the throne , Sukadana and Matan became very developed, and this situation made declination of Pontianak (during King Sultan Abdurakman),
The named of Kingdom Tanjungpura was used by Sultan Akhmad Kamaluddin in order to rebuild the new kingdom of Tanjungpura with the same name.
10 1786
The King of Pontinak asked the VOC(kompeni) helping to attacked the Kingdom of Sukadana, and the King of Sukadana fled to Matan. In this year teh Kingdom of Sukadana was falling down.
11..circa 1815
Sultan Jamaludin ascended the throne of the new Kingdom of Tanjungpura.
The Dutch East Indie Soldier command by G.Muller with the Prince Akil(grandson of king Sriak Sr Indrapura(Sumatra) attack Sukadana , and asked Sultan Jamaluddin to gave the Karimata Island ,if not they will destroyed the New Kingdom of Tanjungpura. Sultan Jamaluddin fled to Matan and he lossed his power and authority.
The DEI gvernment pointed Price Akil to be The King of NIEWE BRUSSEL (the new name of Kingdom Sukadana), the King only as a Simbolic king of the DEI puppet Kingdom, the same at other kingdom in west Borneo.
13. 1824
Ratu Agung, the king of Simpang was died., the Kingdmf Simpang had several prince as the panembahan with rolling system but the DUTCh pinted Sultan Jamaludin Muaziddin as the puppet King of new Tanjungpura with thecapital at Tanah Mera and The Kingdm f Simmpang under his command.
14. 1831
The Kingdom of Simpang was divided from the kingdom of Sukadana, although the Kindomof Simpang have moved from simpang.
The King of new Tanjungpura pinted Gusti Asma as the panembahan of Simpang puppet Kingdom.
The King Akil of dutch puppet kingdom at Sukadana was died.His sn didnt ascended the throne, Dutch east Indie Gvernment only pointed hiim as Tengku Besar Anom.
17 1853-1892
Gusti Asma was passed away, Gusti Mahmud ascended the throne of Puppet Simpang kingdm with the tittle Panembahan Anom Suryaningrat , whe he was died,
The Sukadana War between Tke Kingdom of Pontianak and The kindom of Sukadana, Pontianak win and Sukada was falleng down, The Sukadana port was closed, and Pontinak port became the biggest economic port of West Borneo.
Sultan Akhmad Kamaludin moved his governement to Matan, and later to Laya, Sei Kayung .
19. 1878
Tengku Besar anm was died and his son Tengku Putera ascended as Panembahan likie his fataher (nt Siultan or King)
Panembahan anon Suryanigrat of puppet Simpang kingdm was died, his children only 10 years old, Gusti Roem and his mother Queen Athalia Wilhemina Theresia control the Governement .
The kingdom of Simpang occupeid by the Dutch East Indie soldiers.
22. 1910
Tengku Putera was died and his son tengku Andut became Panembahan of Sukadana.

1.Pre Kingdom of Mempawa
(The legend of a Dayak Kingdom at Mempawa)
(1) The Kingdom of Sidiniang
The Pre Mempawa kingdom rules by Patih Gumantar , the father of Dara Hitam near the Sidiniang mountain at Sanking area Mempawa hulu, during that time the capital of recent Mempawa Kingdom still cover by water of the sea. This kingdom was the divided of the Kingdom of Tanjungpura-Matan, and Patih Gajamada from Mojopahit ever came to this kingdom in order the united all the kingdom in Indonesia, may be he came here after the visit to the Kingdom of Muang Thai for made at friendy relationed in order to counter the next attack of the Yuan dinasty ,emperor Ku Blai-khan, to Mojopahit because Raden Wijaya had made a fool and attack the Mongol armies backhome during the Mongol attack to punish tke King of Singosari who had made tatouage slice at the Mongol envoy Mingse (read the complete story ,click The ancient TRavel unique collections or the Unique Book Collections). The visit of Gajamada had proved with the founding of a Gajamada Kris present and still keepedby the Mampawa hulu people, and they called it Kris Susuhunan.The Kingdom rules by Patih Gumantar was named Sidiniang, because the location at that area.
(2)1400 The falling of Sidiniang Kingdom
The Kayau war (kayau means cutting head with Mandau)
The Dayak Kingdom of ethnic Biayu or Miaju have interest to destroy the kingdom Sidiniang in order to get the expensive jewellery and goods and the head of the Patih gumantar or other royal familly by kayau (cutting the head, and keep the head to find the inner power by the dayaks ). There were no law in Kayau War, the Dayaks attacs suddenly , like guerillia war, alway they attack during the enemy have celerebrations ceremonial and the Dayaks have succeed to defeat Patih Gumantar and the Kingdom of Sidiniang was fallen down in 1400 AD.

2. circa 1610
The Kingdom of Sidiniang erected again in the new name The Kingdom of Mempawa by The King Kodong and the people called him Panembahan Yang Tak Berpusat (without the ambomen center knot) and the capital at Pekanan ( now Karangan, Kecamatan Pontianak), and he merried the Dayaks ledies Puteri Berkelim.

3. 1680
The King Kodong was died, and his tomb at Pekana,Hulu Mempawa. The King Senggauk or Sengkuwuk ascended the throne
, the Capital moved to Senggauk hulu Mempawah river.
The King Senggauk merried the Princes , the daugter of the King Batu Rizal from the Kingdom of Indragiri,Riou Sumatra.
The King Senggauk was the ethnic Dayaks and with his ship went to sumatra and have merried the daughter of The Indragiri Sumatra Kingdom.
The King of Senggauk have a daughter name Princess Utin Indrawati and the princess have merried with The King Panembahan Muhammad Zainuddin , then King of Tanjungpura, they have the beautiful princess Puteri Kesumba and that made the best relationship between the two Kingdom.

4. 1740
Upu Daeng Menambon was the family of the King of Kingdom Luwuk Celebes Upu Daeng Tandering Lorong Rilaga bin Lamadoe Salat, he arrived at Banjarmasin as the brave sailor ( The Bugis ever sailed to Mandagascar island), and also sailing to Johor , and then to the Kingdom of Tanjungpura,
Daeng Menambon and his brother later merried the princes of Kingdom Tandjungpura because they have helped the Tanjungpura to attack and get the Kingdom of Tanjung pura from the Enemy occupation (read at Tanjungpura Kingdom)
(1) Upu daeng Kemasih ,The elder brother , have tittle Pangeran Mangubumi.
(2) Upu Daeng Perani, was died during the battles against the King Sulaiman Johor
(3) Upu Daeng Celak have the tittle Yang dipertuan Mahkta of the Kingdom Johor Malay Kingdom.
(4) Upu Daeng Melawa, have the tittle Yang Dipertuan Muda at the Riau Siak Sumatra Kingdom, and he merried the daughter of King Sulaiman of Johor kingdom .
(5) Upu Daeng Menambon have the tittle Ptince Mas Surya Negara. At the Kingdom Tanjungpura Matan, he was merried the princes Ratu Kusumba (later have tittle Ratu Agung Sinuhun) , daughter of the King Panembahan Muhammad Zainuddin, they have several children , the famous was Utin Cinderamidi and her elder brother Panembahan Adiwijaya Jaya.
after several year Upu Daeng menambon and his wife visit his brother in Law at the Kingdom of mempawa/
in 1740 The panembahan Senggauk was died, and Upu Daeng Menambon ascended the throne and he moved the capital at Sebukit Rama.

5. circa 1766
The King Upu Daeng Menambon or Mas surya Negara was died and the crown prince Gusti Jamiril ascended the throne with tittle Panembahan Adiwijaya Kesuma Jaya. His elder brother Utin Dawaman had merried Ratu Bagus of The Kingdom Landak Ngabang.
Before ascended the throne Gusti Jibril ever visit Betawi(Jakarta) to met his uncle Daeng Kelola , his uncle was the son of Upu Daeng Biasa , the brother of Upu Daeng Relaga, the father of Upu Daeng menambon. Upu Daeng Biasa joint the VOC soldier with the rank Mayor. At Betawi Adiwijaya was merried his cousin and he have merried three times after his wife was died. the name didnot recorded, and he have the son Gusti Jati and then have the tittle Muhammad Zainal Abidin.
The King Adiwijaya , was anti-colonial and anti imperialist, although his brother in law from the Pontianak Kingdom, sultan Abdirrahman had good relation with The Dutch Company.
The Dutch Company soldier with The Kingdom Pontinak soldier were attacked the Kingdom of Mempawah, several times, but the king Adiwijaya of mempawa soldier alway win. the famus battles were :
(1) The Battle at Galah Hirang at the Rama mountain
(2) The Battle at Sangking.
Latter The Dutch Company and Kingdm Pontinak soldier win that battle, and Thye King Adiwijaya of Mepawa , retreated to village Malinsam, there he joined with the Dayak soldier and they win the battles. After the Dutch company soldier retreated to the far area
from Mempawa, the King adiwijaya moved the capital near the mempawa beach .

6. 1820
Sulta kasim f Pontinak’s Kingdom attack the Kingdom of mempawa, and win agains his uncle King Adiwijaya, and the fort of Sultan Kasim still arected at the leftside of Mempawa palace.
Gusti Jati didnot felt as the losser, he retreat to the old Mempawa kingdom area and came back with more sldiers, and beated the Kingdom Pontianak soldiers, and the King Sultan Kasim soldier retret back to Pontianak.

7 1831
The mempawa Kingdom vaccum of the authority , and The Dutch East Indie government entered the Mempawa Kingdom , with pointed Gusti Amin to administrated the Government below DEI with the title Panembahan Kamaruddin.

Gusti Mukmin with title Penambehanm Mukmin ascended the thron by the DEI and he worked together with Dutch Company government. later he was died and his tomb at inner area. and his son Gusti Mahmud ascended the throne with tittle Panembahan Usman.

The King Adiwijaya Gave the throne to his son, Gusti Jati with the title Sultan Muhammad Zainal abidin and he capital moved near the Mempawa river (still until now)
The name of the Kingdom Mempawa , based of the name of three which many found at the Hulu Mempawa river. called Mempauh three.
Gusti jati asked his father to move to Mempawah city, but his father the later King Adiwijaya didnot to moved to that ex dutch Company area,
When The ex King Adiwijaya died, his body send with ship through mempawa river, but the coffin was empty, that is why there were two King adiwijaya tomb ,one at hulu Mempawa river, an the other at Karangan.

10. 1858
Gusti Muhkmud with tittle Panembahan Mahkmud was died, and his son Gusti Usma ascended the throne with tittle Panembahan Usma.

11. 1872
Gusti Usman was died, but his son Muhammad taufiq Accamuddin stil the young boy, the Kingdom was administrated by the Father in law of the king, Gusti Intan with tittle Pangeran Mangku or Ratu Permaisuri.

12, 1904
The tweleve King of Mempawa was Gusti Muhammad Thaufiq Accamudin , and begun to administreted in 40 years old,

13. February,20th 1933
A very rare and historic document was sign by the King Of mempawah with his official stamped Panembaha mempawa Gusti Muhammad Thaufiq Accamudin, the thaufic very clear in the handsign. (have the collectors ever seen this same documen?please report via comment)

The King Muhammad Thaufic Accamudin was arrested by the Dai Nippon Millitary administration West Borneo but the tomb didnot found. Dai Nippon appointed the new king Gusti Mustaan as the vive of Panembahan , because the crown prince still a young boy.
After the crown prince adult, Drs Jimmy Ibrahim,became the official at the West Bornoe government, (I here that he was the next Governor of SWest Borneo,please confirmation from the West Borneo collectors viacomment)
A.The Legend of Sambas Kngdom
1. The Queen Sepudak from Mojopahit Hindus ascended the throne of Sambas Kingdom, location at Telok Kramat (about 36 km from sambas city now.). Queen Sepundak had two daughter , the oldest had merried with the Queen sepundak brother child Raden Prabu Kencana.
Qoueen Sepundak have pinted Raden Prabu kencana (her daughter in law as the crown prince.

2. The King Rajah Tengah with many peoples and soldiers arrived at Sambas. he came from the Kingdom of Brunei.
Raja Tengah was the eight generation of Sultan Akhmad of Brunei’s Kingdom .
Sultan Akhmad came from China with name Wong Sin Teng, the title of Sultan Akhmad was given after he merried the princes Brunei ,daughter of The King of Brunei .
Before Wong Si Teng was the menistry of China emperor, Emperor China order him to get Dragon Jade (Kemala Naga) at the peak of Kinibalu muntain at North Borneo( Kinibalu name from China -Balu meaning the Chinese solder who was beaten and losser during fight with the Dragon in order to get its Jade .
During fighting, menistry Wo Sin Teng used the light of candles in the glass box and the dragon have unconcious after seen hiw own shedow at the glass box and the Drahn jet was out of the dragn muth , and Wong Sin Teng get that Dragn Jade and bring backhme to China but during the jurney backhome, He and other menistry Wang Kung which jined the expedition had beaten Wong sin Teng and he led with his brken ship and the sailr frm Brunei help him and bring him to the kingdom of Brunei.
Wong Sin Teng then served The King f Brunei, and didnt cameback to China. The KIng of Brunei like him very much and merried himwith his daughter, and gave him tittle Sultan Akhmad , and later his was pinted t be the next King of Brunei.
Wong Sin Teng with the title Raja Akhmad had a daughter , and merried the King Syarif Ali bin Ummi Ibnu Barkat, and pinted t be the nex king with title Sultan Berkat, sultan Berkat have son Sultan Sulaiman, sultan sulaiman had the son sultan Abdul Kahar, Sultan Abdul Kahar have a son Sultan Saiful Rizal, sultan Saifulrizal have a sn Sultan syah Brunie, Sultan Syah Brunei have a sn Sultan Hasan, sultan hasan have a son Sultan abdul Djalil Akhbar, and sultan Abdul Djalil have a son Sultan Raja Tengah.
Sultan Raja Tengah arrive at the kingdom of Tanjungpura -Sukadana, and merried the King of Tanjungpura daughter Ratu Surya, and his son Raden sulaiman wh built the Islamic Kingdom of Sambas.
3.Sultan Raja tengah have the Aura lighting power from his bdy, everybdy will lile and love him when look at him, the ratu sepundak aslo like him and all the kingdom were under the Raja tengah religious, then later became Islam.
After Ratu Sepundak was died, her sn in law Raden sulaiman ascended the thrne with th etitle Ratu Anm Kesuma Yuda, and

The same time the second daughter of Queen sepundak , Mas ayu bungsu merried with the son of Raden Sulaiman (the elder sn of Raja Tengah). Raden Sulaiman have a son Raden Bima.
During Ratu Anom Kesuma visit the kingdomof Johor , Pangeran Mangkurat (the brother of ratu Anom ) have told the informations that Raden sulaiman wanted to coup d’etat the Kingdom, and asked ratu Anom cameback home and the Raden Sulaiman man had killed by Pangeran Mangkurat. Raden sulaiman reprt to Ratu Anom but he didnot mentioned.
Due to the Ratu Anom didnt want to punish Pangeran Mangkurat , Raden sulaiman have taken an Action , he led to the new city,Kota baru, and built Kota Bangun, and many peples jined him and they went to Bandir city. after that the meeting between ratu Anom and Raden sulaiman in rder t solve the cnflict, and there were seperate Ratu anm wnet t new capital Kota BalaiPinang and Raden sulaiman went t the south t Selakau.
After Ratu anom and Pangeran Mangkurat were died, the son f Ratu anm , raden Bekut with his wife Mas ayu Krntik , the daughter f pangeran Mangkurat. pinted as the new King.
Raden Mas Dungun , the sn of Raden bekut was the last king of Kota Balai. the Kingdom was over, and Raden sulaiman bring them back to sambas.
After Three years, the capital was move from Bendir to Lubuk Madung, and than was called Muara Ulakan, where the palace was built, and still exist until now, Muara Ulakan was the center f three river, the little Sambas river, Subanh river and Teberau river. (the legend very detail and will made the collector hav the headache, yu believed gthe Legend? ya legend always the legend without the histrical fact document or artifact.)

B.The History of Sambas Kingdom
1.At the place where raden sulaiman ascended the crown as the first King of The kingdom of Sambas. with tittle Sultan Muhammad Syaefuddin I.
2. Raden sulaiman (Sultan Muhamad Syaefuddin I have a sn, Raden Bima.
3. raden Bima visit the Kingdom of Sukadana, and there he merried the sister of Sultan Zainuddin, Puteri Indra Kusuma.
After merried, after one years Raden Bima cameback home to the kingdom of Sambas.
4. After arrived at sambas, The King Muhammad Sjaefuddin I order hia son Raden Bima to visit their family in the Kingdmf Brunei.
After cmeback from Brunei, Raden Bima ascended the throne with title Sultan Muhammad Tadjuddin.
5. The King Sultan Muhammad tadjuddin was died, his sn Raden Melian ascended the throne with title Sultan Umar Akamudin I.
6. The wife of Sultan Umar Akamuddin I, Queen Utin Kemala, have made the kingdm of Sambas have the glory with peace and justice Adil , and the Kingdom under Marhum Adil.
7. The daughter of Sultan Muhammad syaefuddin I have merried Utin kemala, the daughter of Ryal prince of Landak Pageran Dipa.
8. sultan Umar Akamuddin I was died, and the son f Raden bunsu ascended the throne with title Sultan Abubakar Kamalludin and after he died Sultan Abubakar Tajuddin I ascended the throne, after that Raden pasu or Pagenran Anom ascended the thrne with tittle Sultan Muhammad Ali Syafeiudin I.
8. Sultan Muhammad ali Syaefuddin I very famous,

9. 1779
The King Raja Ismael of Siak sri Indrapura _sumatra with his sldiers attack the Kingdom of Sambas, but Sultan muhammad sjaefuddin I (pangeran Anom) succeed t beat the enemy.

10. 1799
The border conflict between the Kingdom of Sambas and the kingdom of Mempawah. but they have met the agreement to end the conflict.

tHE CONFLICT BETWEEN Tionghoa Thai Kong Kngsi and Sam Thu Kiau kongsi that made brother war. Sam Thu Kiau have under the Sambas King, that was why the King sambas also helped Sam Thu Kiau Kngsi t attack Thai Kong Kngsi. At the war, the sambas cmmander in chief Tengku Sambo ,ex commander in chief Siak was died and the Head of Palingma sambo was keep by Thai Kong Kngsi at Mntrado in their temple.
(Please read The Tionghoa West Borneo Kongsi Collections, will installed after this,please read UCN when the installed finish)

The siar sri Indrapura armies ,cmmand by Siak King Sultan Sai Ali
attack again the Kingdom of Sambas, but also the Kingdm sambas win again, the commander in Chief sambas Panglima Lawang Tendi have killed the Siak commander in chief Panglima Aru.
Later the queen of Siaks kingdom attack tke Kingdoms Siak again, Sultan Muhammad syaefuddin I had command to cunter attack the Queen of Siak, he used the canons with his Pitunung bomb strait to the Queen of Siak and made her died.

13. July,24th.1812
The Ship of East India Company (British EIC) arrived at the beach to attack the kingdom of Sambas, this time the King of Sambas just visit Serawak.This attack as the revance of the sinking f British EIC ship at banjarmasin in 1789.
The British EIC sldier cannot enter the defennd of the sambas kingdom soldiers under command of Pangeran Muda.
The British then went their ship thrugh the sambas river and landed at Kartisa, then thrugh small Sambas River enter the Sambas city. the battle between British vs sambas begun, the Sambas sldier retreted to Pendawan village.
The British sldiers through the Small sambas rivuer to Muara Teberau and burn the village, and until knw the village called Kampung Angus (burned village).

14. 1813
The Kingdom of Sambas surrendered

15. 1815
Sultan Abubakar Tadjuddin I was died, his crwn prince ascended the thrne with title Sultan Muhammad Ali Syaefuddin and the dutch Governr have made the Loji prt at Teberau in th efrnt of the Sambas Sultan Palace.

16. 1828
Sultan Muhammad Ali Sjaefuddin was died, his sn Raden Ishak ascended the thrne with tittle Pagenran Ratu Nata Kusuma, but he was still yung six years old, and the administratin was vice by the brther f Sultan Muhammad Ali Syaefuddin ,Pageran Bendahara Sri Maharadja with tittle Sultan usman kamaluddin withh the Dutch Gvernuer besluit r order Mei,8th.1819.

17. December,5th.1845
Sultan Umar Akamuddin III was died, and the crwn prince Pangeran Ratu Nata Kusuma ascended th ethrne with title Pangeran Adipati.

Sultan Abubakar Tajuddin II led by the DEI t Java at Bjong Maron village,Cianjur,.

Sultan Abubakar tajuddin II have permissin to cameback home in Sambas.

20. April,5th.1861
The crown prince Pangeran Adipati pinted as Sultan Muda

Sultan Muhammad Syaefuddin II ascended the throne

Sultan Muhammad Syaefuddin II built the Msque and school at Sambas

23. 1918-1923
The road between Sambas pemangkat and Singkawang bengkayang were built.

24.July,11th 1931
Sultan Usman Kamaluddin was ided, his brother Pangeran temanggung Jaya Kusuma ascended the thrne as the vice with title Sultan Umar Akamuddin III.


A.The Legend of Kingdom Landak Ngabang
1. Circa 1370 AD
In the Jering village ,(Ngabang now) , there were the foklore story about a man ,Kaleder and a women , Anteber. they were were merried , their legend story very famous and never forgotten by the Ngabang native people until now.

2. circa 1377
Kaleden and his wife Anteber have a daughter, Riya Jambi.
Later Riya Jambi merried with a women from Bawang(nion) Mountain Sambas, name Ngantan Barangan. and they have five sons , Riya Kanu, Riya Tan, Riya Rinding , Riya Tanding and Tiya Jane.
one day, when the children played Gasing (native round wooden tys could ciclyng) in the front of their house, came a by which didnot know from where he came, age 12 years old. The foreinged boy beat the Gasing of Riya Jambi until bounded thrugh to the kithchen wall and broked the Riya Jambi’s ancient Jar. The ancient Jar in west Borneo belief as the holy Jar and the value very high ,but the forigner boy disappear.
The other day, the foreign boy appear again and beat the Riya Jambi’s Gasing again, and Riya Jambi asked himwhere he came from, and he answer taht he came from Bawan Mountain and his father from Ngatam Barangan name BUjang nyangko, the famus named. His name Riya sinir, Riya jambi very happy that he was his family, and Riya Sinir asked to stay with his brothers, and Riya s
Sinir be the The Riya Jambi’s Father loving son.
Riya Sinir before stayed with Riya jambi, cmeback t his mther, and she asked Riya sinir to seeking the skin of Engang Bird for used at his sunatan ceremony(islamic preputium cutting).
Riya Sinir went to forest and shoot the Engang Bird with his Sumpit(traditional weapon made from bamboo or woden with hole in the center for bring a small arrow bullet shooting ). The bullet at the the breast of te bird, it still flying and back t its cage, the bird belong of a girl at Tembawang Selimpat, Riya sinir seen the bird have cure by the young girl, and Riya sinir want to took the bird from her, He cannot took the bird because belong to her, and when Riya sinnir told her why he need the bird, the girl gave him that bird and riya Sinir fall in love to the yung girl.
The young name, Dara Hitam, said If my ring could used at your finger, that means you are my Fiance, and the Ring sized was the same with riya sinir finger and they will engaged officially and Dara Hitam will waiting Riya Sinir at his huse in Tembawang Selimpat unti he be the youngman.
3. Dara Hitam (Black girl) was the daughter of Patih Gumantar, a small king , and many other king wanted to occupied his area.
The Kingdom Miaju attack the Patih Gumaentar small kingdom, and the head of Patih Gumentar was cutting(Kayau) by Miaju, this Kayau head nead by the dayaks fr farmer ceremnies, and they belief if the Kayau head lost the farmers willnot succeeded.
When Dara Hitam as a mature women, she became a Balian (Native witchraft doctor,paranormal) , she use the root of wooden tree as medicine, her recipe still used by Dayaks until now. ne day during native medical around trip, Dara Hitam have Bathed in the river Tenganap which the water flow to the Palace of King Pulang Palih. During Dara Hitam have bathing, one of her very long hair were falling down into the water at her Bokor (Native Copper plate) , flowed to river near the King place and the bokor with very long hair bring to the king Pulang Palih, and he order his soldier to seek the owner , and they met dara Hitam at Her huse as the owner of that long hair, and the soldier get Dra Hitam with forced and bring her by ship to Tembawang Ambtor and when the King Pulang palih seen her ,he was falling in love and asked her to merried him, Dara Hitam didnt want to refuse, she said that she want to merried someone who can cut the Merbau Wooden tree, but the King couldnot done ,also his man, the King cameback home, he order dara Hitam to be a coking servant and his face to colour in black with Arang(coal) that is why her name Dara Hitam.
Dara Hitam asked the King to called Riya Sinir to cut the Wooden tree and he could cut that tree .
The Wooden then used to made the jong (native ship), but The King Pulang palih cannot drop the Jong to the river.in rder to send his army for get the Patih Gumentar Kayau head,
Dara Hitam asked the king to call Riya sihir, and if he can pulled the Merbau Wooden tree Jung to the river and get the Kayau head , the king will gave him present to choose one of his wife.
Riya sinir asked the King to prepare seven pregnant women near deliveries as the pillow at the tree, and seven egg, three Gantang(native metal box for rice) metal coins combination silver-copper-tin.
After all prepared, the seven pregnant wween sleep in the fornt of Jong, and the Jong(native shiP) will run throungh the pregnant wmen’s bellies, Riya sinir walking slowly at the jong on the bellies until the water , but the pregnant women still healthy, the Hen eggs will keep until seven cock birth. and the war weapons put in the Jong , and the King order Riya sinir to command the soldier to attack Patih Gumantar, for have Patih Gumentar kayau head .
At Night Riya Sinir drop the coins near the native water resevoir (Sumur) with poisen at the root of wooden tree. in the morning, when the people seeking water, they saw the cin and tld the ther peple,Many peoples came to that place and they put the coins, all the tree they cut and the fish in the river also had poisoned, the peple forgotten the Tayau Head of Patih Gumentar, Riya Sinir get the Tayau Head withut any prtected and they came back to the king Pulang Palih palace, an dRiya Sinir gave the Kayau head t the king, and he gave Riya Sinir a present. the King Pulang Palih asked riya sinir t chse one of his wife as a present. he made from Sirih , a magic kunang-kunang (small lightening flying bees), and he said, the princes who have choose by the Kunang-kunang will bemy wife. The Riya Sinir kunang-kunang flied to the kitchen and choose Dara Hitam, the King very upset , but he must keep his promise , then Dara Hitam get permission to merried Riya Sinir.
4. Dara Hitam and Riya Sinir have a couple son, and he invite the King Pulang Palih for giving the name of his sons, name the elder Lutih and the younger Kari .
When the King Arrived he gave the name Dulkasim and Dolkahar. The King asked Riya Sinir sons to be his son, the elder Lutih Dulkasim still at Riya Sinir, and Kari Dolkahar was given to the King.
Five year later, Lutih Dolkasim as the owner of the Hulu land(darat) of Dayaks and Kari Dlkahar as the owner all the beach area(pantai).
This is the legend of the Dayaks King of Land and King of Beach.

B. The History of Kingdom Landak Ngabang
(1)The Kingdom of Landak was asminstrated by the King Raden Ismayana with tittle Raja Dipati Karang Tanjung Tua, after he became Islam, he have the title Abdulkahar.
King Abdulkahar was a son f Raden Kesuma Sumantri Indra Ningrat Ratu Angkawijiaya Brawijaya Vii with famous as the King Pulang Palih VII (Riya Sinir) who have merried Dara Hitam.
During this time the capital at Ningrat Batur near the Terap (Mandor) river, and that area now was called by Daya Kendayan as Ambawang Bator. ( Ambawang means heritage)
(2) The Son of Raden Abdulkahar , mved the capital frm Niungrat Batur to Munggu at the cross between Landak river and Banyuke river, but because the kingdom near Landak river was called the Kingdom of Landak.

2. 1600
During the government of King Anam Jaya Kusuma , the brother of Princes Mas Jaintan have merried with Sultan Muhammad of Tanjungpura Matan Kingdom.

3. 1700
The Brotherhood war between the Kingdom of Tanjungpura Sukadana and The Kingdom of Landak because the Diamond Intan Kobi. The Kingdm tanjung pura win, becasue helped by the British. The king of Landak Pangeran Anom jaya Kusuma with his wife Nyai mas Nawi or Ratu Bangkok were arrest.
The kingdom of Landak asked helped to the Kingdom of Bantam with the daughter of Pangeran Anom as ths leader (as a man) with name Raden Panji Wijaya.
The King f Bantam, Sultan Abulmahasin Muhammad Zainuddin sent an expedition to help the Kingdom of Landak,command by Raden Adipati Nata Kesuma (later merried Ratu Mas Adi) , and this time the Dutch Cmpany joint to attack the British at Sukadana, at that time the Dutch have a friendly communicatin with the kingdom f Bantam, and the kingdom of Landak win the war, and the King f Tanjungpura fled to waringin city.After the familiar meeting, the King of Tanjungpura gave the kingdom of Landak two canons, the male called Kiayi Sumi and the famale called Ratu Desturi.
Adipati Nata Kusuma and Puteri Mas Adi have merried and have their son Raden Demang, later with the tittle Dipa Negara , Dipa Negara Merried Raden Ratna Dewi Puteri , the daughter of Sultan MUhammad Syaefuddin I frm the Kingdmof sambas, they have the daughter Utin Kemala with title Ratu Agung.
Ratu Agung have merries with the King of Sambas Sultan Akamuddin with tittle Marhum Adil.

4.19th Century AD
The King of Landak with his peple made the riot against the Dutch Cmpany.
(1) 1831
The Ratu Adil Riot
(2) 1890
The Gusti Kandut riot
(3) 1899
The Gusti Abdurani , helped by Panglima Daud, Panglima Anggu I and ja’Bujang, but not suceed.

the King syarif Zin signed the short document , and the kingdom of Kubu became the puppet zkingdom og zdei, he became the chief of Bestuur.
Syarif bin Zin Ismail move the capitalto Kerta Mulia due to his son Syarif Agel bin Zin merrier Syarifa binti Syarif zaid in 1910, and syarif said gave to his son in law syarif Agel a land at Tanjung Bunga. Syarif Agel never ascended the throne.

The King of Kubu.Zin Bin Ismail was died and his son Crown prince Syarif Hasan still a young boy cannot ascended the throne, Syarif Saleh bin Idrus as the vice zKing of Kubu.
Sjarif saleh bin Idrus signed the short Document (Korte Verklaring) that made the Kingdom Kubu as the puppet Kingdom of Dutch east Indie.
Syarif Hasam bin Zin graduate from HIS(Holland Indische School) at Pontianak.
Syarif Hasan bin Zin pointed as the secretary (schribers) at Ketapang, and the same years move to Sanggau as vice secretary at the Dutch East indie Controleur office.
4. 1930
Syaris Hasan move to Pntianak as Assisten Resident Pntianak
Syarif Hasan move to Betawi(Jakarta)
6. 1943
Syarif Hasan back to Kubu ,and pinted as the chieef of kubu by dai Nippon
7.1949-1958Syarif Hasan bin Zin chice by the peple as self Bestuur the kingdomof Kubu.
( I have met the family of the Kingdom of Kubu Utin and encim asjaaf. she gave me the photo the last King kubu wh was killed by Dai Nippon and pointed Syarif Hasa bin Zin as the new chief of the Kingdom of Kubu in 1943. the Palace abut 1500 m2 ,in the front there four canon, Iook at the royal Kris. I have made a CTO Postally used cover from Tayan pst office and Delivery pos near the The kubu palace, also Encim and Utin signed the cover-look at the illustrations. I have came to the Kubu Palace by speed boat abut half Hours. in 1994. the wife of the latest King f Kubu tell me the story that their family from the Dayaks.and ne of their falily move to sarawak and later beacme Governor of sarawak Hadji Bujang bin Tuanku haji othman -lok at the picture .Dr iwan S.)

1. Four Man from Trim city Hadralmaut Arab, Al-Habib Husin age 18 years old with his brother Al-Saijid Abubakar Idrus, Al-Sajid Umar Husin Alsagaff, Al Sajid Mehammad bin Akhmad Quraisj, depend on their teachers sugetions, travel abroad to east in rder to teach Syariah Islam.
First they arrive at Trenganu, then Al-habib Husin and Saijid Abubakar went t Aceh, after that to Semarang where they met Syekh Salim Hambal and stayed there 2 years.
After stayed at Semarang, they went to Sukadana, and they met Sajid Hasjim Jahja.
When Al-habib Husin arrive at sukadana, the King of Tanjungpura
with all his staff and the people learned syariah islam with him, after that he became the Mufti of Islamic religius judge.
Al-habib Husin merried the daughter og King Tanjungpura, Nyai Tua and they have two son and two daughter. The son Syarif Abdurrahman and Syarif alwi.
Al-Habib Husin then went to the Kingdomof mempawa because the the sexual criminal justice conflict between the King of Tanjungpura with him., he send the infrmatin to daeng menambon at mempawa, and daeng menambon asked him moved to the Kingdm of mempawa in 1750. Syarif abdurrahman merried with the daughter of daeng menambon, Utin Tjandramidi.
2. 1750
Syarif Abdurahman 18 year old when he move with his father Al-habib Husin frm sukadana to Mempawa in 1750. after that he visit Tamblan Island, Siantan Island, Palembang and banjar. at Bandjar Syarif abdurrahman merried the daughter of the king of banjarmasin , queen Syahranum, and he have the tittle Prince Syarif abdurrahman Nur Alam.

After two year at Banjar, Prince Syarif Abdurahman camoback t Mempawa,his father was died and after three month at mempawa, he leave from mmepawa with his family. In the night they ging by ship in the peniti river and at night they rest at Kelapa Tinggi Segedong. In the Morning they turn to The Little kapuas river to Batu Layang area , and Syarif Abdurahmaan shouting all his canon ,a nd said where the conon bullet falling, there we build the capital city of our Kingdom, he done this to keeput the devils, and the canon bullet falling down at Mosque jami Sultan Pntianak now.Firt they built mosque nd then built the Keraton or Palace.
4. 1761
The Palace of Kingdom Pontianak was the latest Kingdom in West Borneo, built during the VCgvernr general van der Parra.(1761-1775) the founders was the eldest son of Al-habib Husin alkadri with tittle Prince Syarif Abdurrahman.Nur Alam Ibnu Hamid Husin Alkadri.
5. October.23th,1771
The Pontianak city was built by Sultan Syarif Abdurrahman. at the cross between Landak river and Kapuas river.
6. 1768
Sultan Syarif Abdurahman f Pontianak kingdom visit andjarmasin and merried the daughter of tke king f banjarmasin.
7.July .5th 1779
The Dutc Company VOC ,sent envoy Resident rembang,Willem Adrian Palm to the kingdomof Pontianak for except the authority of that kingdom.
Sultan syarif Kasim Alkadrie bin Syarif Abdurrahman Alkadrie ascended the throne
Sultan Syarif Osman Alkadrie Bin Syarif Abdurahman Alkadrie ascended the throne
Sultan Syarif Hamid Alkadrie bin Syarif Hamid Alkadrie ascended the throne
11. !872
Sultan Syarif Joesoef Alkadrie bin Syarif Hamid Alkadrie ascended te throne
12. 1895
Sultan Muhammad Alkadrie bin Jesef Alkadrie ascended the throne
(look at the picture,sign and his official stamped collection illustration)
13. 1944
Sultan Sjarif Thaha Alkadrie bin Sjarif sman Alkadrie ascended the throne.
14. 1945
Sultan Syarif hamid II ascended thye throne until 1950.
Sultan Hamid Alkadrie bin Syarif

(if the collector want vthe informatin please asked via comment).
@copyright Dr Iwan S.2010

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Ancient Bali King (modern painting) who sent envoy and tribute to Emperor Qin kwan Tang Dynasty.

The first Tang dynasty emperor, I didn’t have the profile of Emperor Qin Kwan,please someone help me to show their collections.because bali Kind have sent envoy a with tribute to him.


Tang Dynasty Imperial Palace at Xian.


Tang Dynasty Imperial Seals , given to Emperor China to his friendly states -lika Dva-pa-da (Bali) Kingdom.


The miniatur of Tand dynasty imperial ship.


This rare Khai Yuan with imperial crecscent moon at the back used at Bali during Dva-Pa.Da (bali) King sent envoy with tribute to Emperor Qin Kwan , the come one coin more bold and withour imperial crescent moon at the back.please comment.


Original old History of Tang Dynasty book.


Repro Ancient Chinese Map of Dva-Pa.Tan 847 AD vintage Book illsutration( Grooneveldt 1880)

The Chinese Char. of Dva-pa-Tan( means Bali) from Vintage book illustration (1880)

BALI KINGDOM’S GLORY BEFORE EUROPEAN CAME(3th -13th Century) From Chinese Sources (ibid .Groeneveldt,1880).

1. The first China Sailors &  Traders came to Bali(source : Original Handwritting Old  History of The Tang Dynasty (618-906) Book 197.): Ka-Ling (1) means Java Island ( the capital of java Kingdom called Japa-auth) on an island in the southern ocean, it lies on the eastern side of Pa-Li (2) means Sumatra , on the westren sised of Dva-pa-tan(1) means Bali . ( No information about Bali Kingdom and the Date , but at Bali still found Chinese cast coin from Later Han Dynasty, Tang Dynasty to Qing Dynasty some original and the other Old Bali mint cast coin. Many Chinese traders in Bali during that times that is why the currency used the Chinese mint aor Bali mint cast coins until 1951 when all Indonesia money changes to the new currency , small money change 100% nominal value and high nominal value from Rp 5.- to Rp.1000 cutting half the left one change with new money an d the rigght side changd with obligations called “sjafruddin -cutting ” Policies.The complete information look at ‘Bali Numismatic History(cash Coin or Gobok) -auth)

2. The first Bali Kingdom Sent envoy to China Emperor Tang Dynasty (source : Original Handwritting New History of the Tang Dynasty .Book.222 part 2.): 622-649 AD, during rhe period Chin-Kwan (627-649) this country (Kaling ) sent envoys to bring tribute together with those Dva-ha-la(Lombok) and Dva-pa-tan(Bali) . The Emperor favoured them with a reply under the great seal and as Dva-ha-la asked  for good horses, these were given to them ( after this year no information from Dva-pa- tan or bali anymore, because the the Dva-pa-tan or bali Kingdom were appart from the Java Kingdom (Mataram) after Sultan Agung of Mataram Kingdom occupied blambangan Bali protectorated Kingdom ex Mojopahit east java after attack in 1633 and Dva-pa-tan or Bali Kingdom didn’t succeed occupied by Sultan Agung because Bali protected by Ducth East India company-VOC. looked the History after European came-auth).

This is the first complete report in Indonesia and the Unique Collection illustrations from Google explorations and the Late Han and Tang Dynasty cash coin from my collection.@copyright Dr iwan S.2010.

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Bali Artwork Collections(vintage native Painting) circa 1937.@Copyright Dr Iwan S.2010,

Bali Art and Handicraft collection (Mask) vintage circa 1937.


Bali Vintage photography( Religious ritual)-Offering to GOD-“Sang Hyang WidiWisesa ” at the temple circa 1970.


Who is this? Bali Art and handicraft collection( Human statue carving)-very best perfect carving same as the oldman,@copyright Dr iwan S.


Bali Picture Collections( Traditional Dancer painting from vintage book 1937 illustraion .


1.1. THE GLORY OF BALI KINGDOM:   1) 3th-13th  Century   : Before European Came.  2) 14th-18th Century  : After European Came

1.2. THE DUTCH EAST INDIE INVASION BALI(Info & Ill) :  1) 1803-1830 : Diplomatic Relationship with DEI. 2) 1830-1845 : DEI Fact-ory Development in Bali.  3) 1849 : The War Between Areal Bali Kingdoms . 4) 1850-1905 : DEI Political Development in Bali.  5) 1906: DEI Military expedition in Bali.  6) 1906 : Badung  Puputan War.  7)1908 : Klungkung Puputan war  8) 1909-1942 : DEI occupied Bali. 

II. BALI UNIQUE COLLECTION (Ill . & Nar.)  2.1  Bali Vintage pictures   2.2. Bali Art & Handichraft.   2.3. Bali Phillatelic History      2.4. Bali Numistmatic History     

2.1.  BALI VINTAGE PICTURES :                                                                        (1) Map.(2)Picture postcard.(3) Label.(4)Photography(native,Royal,landscape,religious &Ritual,Theater & dancers )      

2.2. BALI ART & HANDICRAFT :                                                        (1) Paintings.(2)Carving. (3) Mask.     

This special collections dedicated to Police Inspecture General Made mangku Pastika, we ever met during the last day of East Timor refendum 2009 at Dili when I cameback before the crucials chaos situations  and now He was the Gouvenor of Bali , also to Brigadir General Dr Musadeq who have the same duty with me to prepared the health of Indonesia nationalPolice during That refendum , that time he was the chief of Medical Health Indonesian national Police Bali, now the Chief of Medical Health center Indonesia national police Headquaters Jakarta (Congratulation for your up rank General). I think both of my collegue ‘s  General will be happy to read this informations and look at the illustration, and the Timor unique collection  informations and illustraion will put in this blog after this Bali info completely in the blog. All the  collections were collect from 1957 until now during travelling around Java-Bali 1977,1979,1983, and the last visit Bali 2008 @ copyright Dr Iwan S.2010.

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This story introduces to domestic and worldwide over 500 Indonesia private unique collections found during travelling around Indonesia and East Asia. The Travel’s unique collections have many types and generally the collectors interested to the ethic local type collections and the travel’s story how to it, especilly its unique illustrations . The book’s illustrations will visualized the from the ancient, classic, modern to contemporary situations for a memorable of the ethnic tophographic , Work arts and comparative study The development of the ethic anf nations. This book are the new private projects for the colectors , Investors and scientist who Interest about Indonesia and Asia Etnologic, Archeologic and Historcal situations . The movement of the young generation to protect their heritage will need this travel’s unique collections because many informations lost after the old generation had passed but we can protect during our contemporary travelling beause some ethnic and historic collection still there but must faster or they will lost foreever. . . The author need more informations and corrections to make this books more qualified, and thanks to many persons that cannot list in this preface for their helping during the books developed especilally Mr Lithay in Bangkok, Mr Chan,Dr Ng Wu Sarawak and Mr Oke Cambodge, many friend during travelling aroud Malaysia,China,and Corea, Jakarta,Feb.9.2009 Dr.Iwan.S.

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